Welcome to the Global Educator Collective

Visit our new Global Educator Collective Page for PD event updates

Follow us on Twitter:

Kirsten @learnerfocused
Michelle @zestyteacher
Lynne @lherr
Purti @dhatravada
Shaimaa @ShaimaaAF
Osa @WomanistTeacher
Christine @Sawyer4Chris
Brandi @bargentar
Jessica @beinclassy


We hope that you and your loved ones are safe and well and we are dedicated to doing all we can to support you as educators in these times. We are so glad that you have joined this collaborative group to share with and learn from your peers.

This group is focused on positive, proactive, productive collaboration on best practices and pedagogy and technology which transforms learning . Our group is still quite new and it has grown rapidly so we ask for your understanding at times. We ask that any query not answered on this page be directed to one of the admins below. Moderator volunteers will not respond to queries.

We hope that this web page will help you use the group more effectively, please save it as a reference point for yourselves!

We also wanted just to share a tiny bit about ourselves with you below!

GEC Admin Team,

Kirsten Durward, Michelle Overman, Lynne McKnight Herr, Johann Qua Hiasen, Purti Singh, Shaimaa AbdelFattah, Parvana Guliyeva

Follow the GEC on Instagram for updates and to track upcoming PD events


Curriculum & Instruction



Language Acquisition & Curriculum



ELA & Science

Dominican Republic


Media Specialist



Trainer/ Pedagogy & Language



PYP Coordinator



PYP Educator



Social Science Educator



PYP Educator






Science Educator
Instr. Tech Coach



Virtual Educator MS/HS


Our Focused Breakout Groups

Our 'mothership' Global Educator Collective group is wonderful and we love hearing from you all there. But as we are such a rapidly growing group with diverse needs, we have have made every effort to create spaces where everyone can find the help they need, be heard, and engage in a more focused discourse

See all the groups and find the ones that best fit your needs!

For example, we have groups by:

Region - USA, UK, Canada, Australia, etc.

Roles - Admin, Counselors, Librarians, etc.

Content - English, Math, ICT, GT, SEN/SPED, PE, etc.

Grade Levels - Elementary, Middle, High, Primary, Univ., etc.

Needs - Wellness/Sharing Humor and Support, Hearing impaired, Parenting/Homeschooling, etc.

Please select the groups that directly apply to you and join them for collaborative sharing and posts that are directly related to their area.

But please also stay with us in the main group to be involved in regular events and updating!

Posting Etiquette

Topic titles and describing posts

Please be sure to add a description for readers with key elements included.

Even the best post can be overlooked or not opened because readers aren't sure what it is about and if it relates to their needs. Be clear and specific.

Following a post

Facebook has a system. You click on the right hand ... menu at the top of the post to turn on post notifications. Typing F or Following sends an alert to the poster that they have a response. It's disappointing to them. So we send you a visual reminder :)

Types of post

Requests and Questions

For the main group we prioritise general help questions, pedagogical help questions and technical support questions

Informative Shares

Members love short simple shares that model successful strategies, which demonstrate how to use a particular resource or link them to something easily viewable/readable. Bear this in mind and your posts will be particularly popular!


There is nothing better or stronger than reflecting on your recent experiences. But to make it effective, don't just share a picture or 'I'm so proud of my class', share what you did and how you did it, this celebrates YOU and helps others!

Webinar, Panel Discussion or other PD event

Please add the details as an event submit it through events . This ensures more attention to the event and means that members can also find them easily.

Pre-made Video or Resource Sequence

Many excellent tips and strategies have been shared and stored here. Now we are more specifically focusing on topics that members have requested.
We also have experts across many fields providing free help desk hours training videos and live sessions, plus creating webinars across the educator community.
If you are submitting a PD resource Admin will review the quality of the content and if appropriate contact you to offer you pre-approved posting rights

Content Not Available

We often see posts offered that have unavailable content. Please make sure the item you are sharing is available to the public and not just friends of the person who shared it. If not, then no one will be able to see your great share!

Opinions on a School, Government, Policies, etc.

We understand that we are all going through challenging times but we want to keep the group positive, productive and responsive.

There is one USA Sharing group for more open chats about all topics.

Please see the list of subgroups to find where else you can post.

Content/Need/Region Specific

We strive to keep this main group focused on its original purpose: to create a collaborative sharing space where we can discuss best practices and pedagogy, solve problems, share general resources and strategies and positively share our experiences in a supportive environment

Please post items that relate to a particular class, special need, educator role, or region in the breakout group for that.
See the list of all groups and find the best fit for you.

Thank you for your understanding.

Comments Closed

There are a few reasons that we would close commenting on a post, they include:

The question has been thoroughly answered and continued comments on it are blocking other posts in the feed from being easily seen.

The discussion has a wide array of perspectives and has begun to just share repeated ideas and thoughts.

Continued notifications are annoying to the original poster.

We value your ideas and encourage you to make a new thread if you have something useful to share on the topic

Please email Admin if commenting on your post was closed and you would like it reopened because you still need more information or answers.