About I am a postdoctoral researcher (Lectrice Hadamard) in Laboratoire Mathématiques d'Orsay, Université Paris-Saclay, working with Nicolas Curien. Before, I was a PhD student in University of Copenhagen under supervision of Bergfinnur Durhuus.

My main research interests are the local and scaling limits of random trees and maps, as well as statistical mechanical models coupled to these random backgrounds. Recently I also got interested in Poisson-Voronoi tessellations of hyperbolic spaces.  

Here is my CV in English and en français.

Publications & Preprints

Ideal Poisson-Voronoi tessellations on hyperbolic spaces with M. D’Achille, N. Curien, N. Enriquez, R. Lyons. 


Local limits of one-sided trees with B. Durhuus. 

La Matematica, 2023.

Trees with exponential height dependent weight with B. Durhuus. 

Probability Theory and Related Fields, 2023.

Trees with power-like height dependent weight with B. Durhuus. 

Electronic Journal of Probabability, 2022.

Critical behavior of loop models on causal triangulations with B. Durhuus, X. Poncini, J. Rasmussen.

Journal of Statistical Mechanics, 2021.


I am currently (co-)organising