DANN-Lone Star Edition (Beta)

This version of DANN aims to take the first step in expanding our mission to other states. It's built similarly and essentially works the same as the New Mexico version; the only differences being that it utilizes Texas data and it lacks the American Indian and Alaska Native variable. There are several reasons for this:

  • This data is not as accessible in Texas as it is in New Mexico

  • Judging by the results of our study, this variable does not have a monumental impact on diabetes rates in New Mexico

Note that the decision to create this version was made late in our project, therefore less than a week of development went into it. Both versions are fully functional. However, they are not as "fine-tuned" as the New Mexico versions. Under the correct circumstances they are capable of producing a reasonably accurate result, but nothing too extraordinary like the New Mexico versions are capable of. If you wish, we encourage you to improve upon these versions. Since this is a beta, we also provide an assortment of spreadsheets that would come in handy in case anyone would like to improve it/edit it themselves.

Again, if you do edit/improve DANN, we ask that you email us what you modified at mellitusnm@gmail.com.