
BNS Tissue Sectioning

BNS tissue sectioning :

Nissil Stain Video:


Human Behavioral Observation

I used duration testing to record the amount of time this person spent playing with her hair. The reason I used duration testing is because I figured that she would be playing with her hair for longer periods of time. I started recording every time she started playing with her hair and stopped the timer when she stopped. Then I quickly restarted the timer to track how long she did not play with her hair. I noticed a pattern that when she was doing two things at once, such as writing down notes AND looking at her computer she would not play with her hair, even if one hand was open. However, when she was only doing one activity, such as writing she would play with her hair. I studied her from 11:46 am - 12:46 pm. 

Results of duration testing: 

The missing time of about 6 minutes is observer error on my part and is most likely lost time between tests. Although duration has its strengths, for example, it is easier than the other tests because you can record activites for long periods of time with out having to make every time an activity happens. This form of testing also has its weaknesses, for example, losing time between tests if you were not fast enough to restart the clock, and it can be inefficient for certain tests. 

Some other observations: 

Mouse Behavioral Scoring

After watching all of the videos I made a scoring system reflecting the anxiety levels of the mouse. The scoring system:

Hands on the wall -3 

In the middle +3

3 inches from wall +2

Touching wall with body -1

Nose facing wall -2

Body length away from wall +4

Stopped in middle +3

The positive numbers represented social behavior and the negative numbers represented anxious behavior. I collected all the data based on the numbers and added them together at the end. If the mouse got an overall positive number, it means that they were more social and if they got an overall negative number, it means they were more anxious. 

Program of Research Report

The author is Allie Holschbach. Allie Holschbach is an associate professor of neuroscience at NSU Florida. She is very far into her career as she is teaching at a University. She focused her research on testosterone, pair bonding, and parental behavior in mice. Then she did some breakthrough research on postpartum depression in mice. The bulk of her research is due to serotonin receptors, especially the effect of stress on serotonin in both male in females.,nor%20was%20there%20an%20interaction).

Behavioral Model Report

Social Approach Task

This is a way of studying an animal's behavior. This method involves putting a mouse in a mini house with no roof, it has three separate areas. A middle, a left side, and a right side. In the left and right sides a mouse is put into a tiny metal cage, then a subject mouse is placed in the middle of the three rooms and let go. There are doors leading from the middle of the room to the two side rooms, and the mouse is watched for 10 minutes. This tracks social aspects of the mouse. Measuring time spent in direct contact, number of direct interactions, time spent close in comparison to far away from the other mice, and number of transitions between rooms. Healthy mice will spend most of the time exploring/being with the other mice, whereas socially awkward mice will stick to one spot, and not interact with the other mice as much. These studies help understand how behavior is altered with neurodevelopmental disorders.

I feel that this is a fairly simple research approach, it doesn't require much equipment. This is a good study ethically because it does not harm the mice physically. I would consider this pretty valid as there are not many other ways to measure the social capacity of a mouse. This could be flawed if any of the two mice in the cages show any aggression, this could influence the subject mouse, by changing its behavior causing it to act differently, or get scared.