
My methodological interest lies with qualitative inquiry, though I do see high value in applying mixed methods approaches and conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses where the research question requires it. Over the past 10 years I have focussed on two areas, topic-wise: climate change adaptation, and tobacco use in a global context. While widely divergent topics, cross-cutting themes in my research include theories of vulnerability, governance and policy, justice considerations, and multi-method approaches to evaluation and implementation research. 

In the coming years I hope to extend my research into new-to-me areas of Global Health, such as reproductive and sexual health, and to investigate the applicability of arts-based research in Public Health. 

In all aspects of my teaching and research I hope to live by the motto: the humane comes first. Together I hope we can use our research and careers to advance kindness in academia, towards ourselves and others (including our research partners!)