ManateeConservation_MelanieSmith .pptx

Melanie featured in Sandy: A Decade of Rebuilding (NBC)

Melanie featured in
Take Back the Harbor

Summary of CIVITAS' Esplanade Initiative.


Baseline Study of the Marine Natural Resources of the Harlem/ East River (Hudson- Raritan Estuary 2017)

170404_smithmelanie_harlem_river_marine_natural_resources_posterboarddraft_logos-1 (1).pdf

Baseline Study of the Marine Natural Resources of the Harlem/ East River (Hudson- Raritan Estuary 2017)

Presented by Melanie Shaw
2017 New York City Science and Engineering Fair 

Working Towards an Ecological Edge in East Harlem

Featured in CIVITAS Newsletter, Winter 2016


Citizen-science research presented by Melanie Shaw Smith to Community Board 11 after the finalization of Phase 1: Baseline Study of the Marine Natural Resources of the Harlem/East River (Hudson-Raritan Estuary 2017).