Dr. Mekonnen H Daba

 Dr. Mekonnen H. Daba is a researcher at Oromia Agricultural Research Institute and has a long experience in agro-climatological research. Dr. Mekonnen has completed his Ph.D. in Agricultural Meteorology and Climate Change from Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), Beijing, China, 2021, MSc in Climate Change and Development from Arbaminch University, Ethiopia, 2013 and BSc in Meteorology Science, Arbaminch University, Ethiopia, 2009.

He has a broad interest in finding how climate change and land-use change will impact hydrology and water resource, climate variability and Climate Change Impact Assessment on Agriculture, Extreme events (drought and flood) assessment. He has published many research papers in national and international journals and presented at conferences and symposiams on various topics related to climate change impacts on agriculture, hydrology and water resource. He has published more than 15 research articles in regional and international journals. He has participated in several national and international workshops, training, and conferences in different countries including Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, China, Germany, Norway, and Belgium.