
Friday concluded the differential test, which showed one half revolution of the MX-28 servos in opposing directions resulted an output approximately 0.5 greater than 180 degrees. The consequent precision is substantially less than the specified precision of 0.03 degrees. An image of the testing apparatus is shown in the above image on the left.

The right of the image shows the harmonic gearbox with half of link 1 on the output and an MX-28 servo driving the input. Using a resin printed bearing holder improved the gearbox's smoothness. However, mounting the red plate backward remedied the occasional clicking, but also requires elimination of the circumferential extrusion if the servo is to sit flush.

Additional portions of the manipulator's links are also printing over the weekend to assemble the manipulator's second and third joints in a kinematic series. A 3:1 belt/pulley system available in the robotics lab will serve as a surrogate for the designed belt system in testing the two link manipulator and help asses the viability of belt/pulley based gearing.