

“You don’t write about the hours of war. No. You write about a kid’s burnt socks lying in the road.” This quote is from author Richard Price emphasizes the importance and power of details in conveying a larger emotional storyline or the nuances of a concept. Reflect on the relationships you’ve had in life—with your family, or your friends—and choose one poignant and definitive story of the complexity and power in severing a relationship.

“Oh my God, would you shut up for at least one minute so that I can finish speaking without interruption? I am so sick of you, and you. I am sick of this house. I am sick of everyone that lives under this roof. I am sick of all of you delegating your tasks to me like I am your property but whenever I want to try and do something for myself I get exasperated sighs from both of you. Because you guys treat me like your lackey that will be fine with doing whatever you ask of me—aren’t you proud of training your eldest daughter to be so obedient? Now look at me: I’m FUCKED. I can’t bother to do anything for myself without myself second-guessing how this will affect others when I should just be concerned with MYSELF. I am an adult but I still have to worry about what my parents will think of when I change my clothes, who I’m friends with, not IF but WHEN will I have kids even if I don’t dream of having any?! Can’t I just exist without feeling obligated to fulfill some outdated concept of filial piety? Can I just be me and live for myself like others around me? At least just for a little while…”