Mehran Hatamzadeh


Mehran Hatamzadeh, Laurent Buse, Katia Turcot, Raphael Zory. “Improved markerless gait kinematics measurement using a biomechanically-aware algorithm with subject-specific geometric modeling, Journal of Measurement, Volume 234, July 2024, 114857


Mehran Hatamzadeh, Ali Sharifnezhad, Reza Hassannejad, Raphael Zory. “Discriminative sEMG-based features to assess damping ability and interpret activation patterns in lower-limb muscles of ACLR athletes”. Journal of Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Volume 83, May 2023, 104665. 


Mehran Hatamzadeh, Laurent Busé, Frédéric Chorin, Pierre Alliez, Jean-Dominique Favreau, Raphael Zory. “A kinematic-geometric model based on ankles’ depth trajectory in frontal plane for gait analysis using a single RGB-D camera”. Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 145, December 2022, 111358. 


Mehran Hatamzadeh, Laurent Buse, Raphael Zory. “Gait events detection in absence of the toes and heels position”. 28th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, 9- 12 July 2023, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Oral Presentation.

Link to Abstracts Book:

Mehran Hatamzadeh, Reza Hassannejad, Ali Sharifnezhad. “A new method of diagnosing athlete's anterior cruciate ligament health status using surface electromyography and deep convolutional neural network”. Journal of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Volume 40, Issue 1, January–March 2020, Pages 65-76.


Mehran Hatamzadeh, Reza Hassannejad, Ali Sharifnezhad. “Application of a biomechanical model and combinatorial optimization to determine lower limb joints torsional stiffness in human landing”. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, December 2019.


Mehran Hatamzadeh, Ali Sharifnezhad, Reza Hassannejhad, Shadan Mohammadpur. “Application of radial basis function artificial neural network in diagnosing athletes’ anterior cruciate ligament rupture”. 11th International Congress on Sport Sciences, 12-13 May 2018, Oral Presentation.

DOI: 10.22089/11thconf.2018.1426
