Rules and Information


Please visit the "Registration" tab to complete all registration forms, including team and solo forms. The registration deadline for all entries is November 19, 2023. All payments are due by December 1st, 2023.  If payments are not turned in on time, there will be late fees! Visit the "Registration" page to print off invoices. 

Please make all checks payable to "Mehlville Pantherettes"

Please mail all payments to:

Mehlville High SchoolPantherettes - attn. Miranda Widmann3200 Lemay Ferry RdSt. Louis, MO 63125

If you wish to change or withdraw entries, this must be done by December 1st, 2023. No refunds will be given after this date. 

Programs will be available the day of the competition for $3! Ads are also available to purchase for dancers, as well as businesses. Click HERE for more information on programs and ads. All ads are due by December 18, 2023.

Rules and Expectations

All teams are required to follow all MSHSAA, MDTA, and Mehlville High School rules, including, but not limited to rules regarding safety and music. Please ensure routines do not contain any illegal tricks or moves. Penalty judges will not deduct any points from your score, but will inform you of any illegal moves. Please make sure all routines follow the correct time constraints. The performance floor is a regulation size basketball court with all normal court markings. Pictures can be found by clicking HERE so all teams are able to familiarize themselves with the space. All teams are welcome to check out the space upon entry, but unfortunately teams are prohibited from using the floor for spacing or practice purposes at any time. Each team will be scheduled in a separate practice gym before their performances for this purpose. Concessions will be available on the day of competition. Please DO NOT bring any outside food or drinks into the venue.

Divisions and Categories

Team: All Varsity, JV, middle, and elementary school dance and drill teams are welcome to enter the Mehlville Invitational. Varsity teams will be put into divisions based on school size. All teams may enter up to 4 routines in the following categories: Pom, Precision Jazz, Lyrical Jazz, Hip Hop, Kick, Mix, Prop, and Game Day. Each routine is limited from 1 minute and 30 seconds to 2 minutes and 15 seconds.

Solos: All participants are welcome to compete in the solo category. Solos will be divided by grade levels. Routines may not exceed 1 minute and 30 seconds.

*Keep in mind: each participant is limited to 2 routines outside of team performances!


All music must follow copyright laws and MDTA regulations. Please make sure to also bring a copy of your music on a smart phone, MP3, etc. Someone from your team MUST be at the music table at the time of your team's performance to start and stop the music. Please make sure they bring the copy of music with them.


If your team is entering a prop dance, further instruction on where to unload props will be emailed to you after registration. Please make sure that all props and sets are padded correctly and will not cause any damage to the floor or its finish. Teams will be charged for any damage caused by props or sets. Fire is prohibited.


Team members, coaches, and bus drivers will all enter the event for free. Children under the age of 5 will also be granted free admission. All other spectators will be charged $10 at the door or $5 for children under the age of 12. We will continue to monitor the Covid-19 guidelines in regards to spectators and changes will be communicated in a timely manner if restrictions occur.

Merchandise Pre-order

Limited quantities of merchandise will be available at the event. To ensure desired sizes and quantities, individual and team order forms are available. For more information and for order forms, please visit the "Merchandise Pre-order" tab or click HERE.