Upcoming Projects

A sampler, in no particular order.

Viking by Viviana Dark of Animo Studio

Roundabout by Karen Gerhardt

Skorie by Anna Dobrowolska-Oczko of Horse and Bird Studio

Micro mini Costello and stablemate Winston by J. Heaps of Break the Mold Studios.

Toshi by Kylee Parks of Thornrose Studio

Sleipnir by Wiktora Bradford

Micro mini Lankin and Kaladin by Maggie Jenner-Bennet, and Copperkit Copperfox Cob.

Fáthadaireachd by Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig

Sherlock by Rayvin Maddock of Khrysalis Studio

Retro velociraptor pair by R. Bacorn

(Breyer stablemate Alborozo for scale)

1/10 Parasauralophus by Darren McDonald for Masterpiece Models. Breyer Traditional Winx for scale.