AndreiDNA Youtube channel:

Andrei developed a tool for the creation of custom ethnicity calculators, and analytical tools for phenotype prediction from the raw genome file, and Trait Predictor a tool for complete genetic analysis, including ethnicity, appearance, health, and traits. 

Starting in 2021, Andrei has been working on his YouTube channel and slowly but surely growing his audience. 

Sample Trait Predictor Reports (version 8_2, 3/15/2024):

Andrei's own result (MyHeritage format): 

Anonymous Egyptian customer (AncestryDNA format): 

Sample Trait Predictor Reports (version 9, 3/18/2024):

Female Neanderthal from Altai: 

(version 9, 3/19/2024):

Mal'ta Boy - Ancient North Eurasian (23andMe format): 

(version 9, 3/27/2024):

R116 - Roman Age Italian :

Trait Predictor - 13$ on itch

For 13$ you can purchase Trait Predictor on itch. Trait Predictor is an executable application that will allow you to generate a complete DNA result including health, appearance, traits, and ethnicity information. 

If you are not using a Windows system, or don't have many samples you would like to run through Trait Predictor, you can purchase a Trait Predictor result with the following form. It will cost you 4$ for one sample, and 7$ for 2 samples.

To pay, send money to Andrei Kharchenko / via PayPal and attach a screenshot of your payment in the form below. You'll get your results shortly. 

Check Out NOSHACOT (A tool that predicts Nose Shape, Eye color, and Hair Color from raw genome file)

Check Out AKETv2 (A free tool that predicts Eye Color)

Check Out Eye2023 (A tool that predicts eye shape from raw genome file)

Check Out GorillaTools (Tools for the creation and use of custom ethnicity calculators)

HairID2023 (A tool that predicts Hair shape from raw genome file)

HardyWeinberg tool (A tool that predicts genotype frequency in a population from the allele frequency using Hardy Weinberg formula)

Ancient Genomes Database in 23andme (and sometimes Myheritage and AncestryDNA) format is here! 

Eventually I will run out of Drive space, and then will make a new folder archive. When that time will come, you will see the archive on MegaGenics