The Design Files You Must Need to Impress Your EMS Company 

Electronic manufacturing is a highly intricate process that requires the use of several design files for proper implementation. It can be challenging to approach an electrical manufacturing company, especially if you are unfamiliar with the Design for Manufacturing (DFM) required for the procedure. However, we are here to help! In this article, we will go over the design files you need before approaching an electronic manufacturing company. 

Design files for Electronic Manufacturing

Here are the design files that you must deliver to the manufacturing company to ensure a smooth and successful electronic manufacturing process:

Also Read:  Following These Steps in Electronic Product Design

Bill of Materials (BOM)

This is an extensive list that includes a detailed description of the parts required to assemble the product, along with their quantities, reference designators, and other essential details. An accurate BOM is crucial to enable the electronic manufacturing company to purchase the necessary components efficiently.

Gerber Documents

These files contain all the PCB-related information required for successful manufacturing, including copper layers, solder masks, and silkscreens. Providing the Gerber files to the electronic contract manufacturing company guarantees that the PCB will be produced in accordance with the design specifications, keeping the burstiness of the content.

Gerber Files

The most common file format for manufacturing printed circuit boards is Gerber. These files include copper layers, solder masks, and silkscreens, as well as all the PCB-related information that is required. Giving the Gerber files to the electronic contract manufacturing company assures that the PCB will be produced in accordance with the design requirements.

3D model

A 3D model of the product enables the electronic manufacturing company to visualize the final product's shape and aid in the early detection of any potential issues or design defects. Assembly drawings and schematics are also crucial design files required to ensure the accurate and effective assembly of the product and to help the electronic manufacturer solve any issues that may arise throughout the production process.

Assembly Drawing

Drawings of the product's assembly give a thorough explanation of how the individual parts come together. These schematics are necessary to guarantee that the product is put together effectively and accurately.


Schematics are visual representations of the product's electronic circuits. By giving the electronic manufacturer the schematics, you can be sure that they will be able to solve any issues that might come up throughout the production process and will be familiar with the product's electronic components.

PCB Layout

The configuration of the circuit board, including component placement and routing, is described in detail in PCB layout files. It is ensured that the circuit board is created in accordance with the design specifications by providing PCB layout files to the electronic manufacturing business.

PNP (Pick and Place) Files

Pick and Place files give a list of all the parts needed for the product assembly along with where on the PCB they should go. PNP files are necessary to ensure that the components are positioned properly on the PCB by the electronic manufacturing company.

Test Files

It is necessary to supply test files with thorough instructions on how to test the product's components after assembly. Submitting test data to the maker of the electronic component guarantees that the finished product works properly and complies with all essential requirements.

The Best Electrical Manufacturing Company to Work With

The success of your product depends on selecting the best electrical manufacturing company. While choosing a contract manufacturing company, take into account the following factors:

The Advantages of Contacting a Reputable Electrical Manufacturing Company 

The following advantages are granted by contacting a qualified electronic manufacturing company:

Final note

It is critical to take into account aspects that add to the complexity of the content when choosing the best electrical manufacturing firm, including experience and expertise, quality control procedures, communication and collaboration, production capabilities, price, and delivery schedules.

There are several benefits to working with a reputable electronic product design company, including superior manufacturing, efficient and timely production, cost-effective solutions, access to cutting-edge machinery and technology, and quicker product testing and development.

To summarize, it is critical to approach an electronic manufacturing company with the required design files in order to guarantee that the production process runs smoothly and that the finished product satisfies all necessary specifications. To achieve a successful outcome, it is essential to keep in mind the critical design files discussed in this lesson and choose a reliable electrical manufacturing firm.