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Program (Korean Time)


Opening 15:50 - 16:00: Hye Jin Park

Chair: Hye Jin Park

    • 16:00 - 16:40 Tobias Galla (Institute for Cross-disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems)

      • Title: Non-Gaussian random matrices predict the stability of feasible Lotka-Volterra communities

    • 16:40 - 17:20 Emil Mallmin (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology)

      • Title: Strong interactions in a species-rich community produce chaotic successions

Chair: Deok-Sun Lee

    • 17:35 - 18:15 Hye Jin Park (Inha University)

      • Title: Generalized Lotka-Volterra dynamics with random interactions and degree heterogeneity

    • 18:15 - 18:30 Seong-Gyu Yang (Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics)

      • Title: Effect of Self-regulation on Species Packing

Chair: Juhee Lee

    • 19:30 - 20:10 Su-Chan Park (Catholic University of Korea)

      • Title: Greedy adaptive walks on a correlated fitness landscape

    • 20:10 - 20:50 Seung Ki Baek (Pukyong National University)

      • Title: Sex-ratio bias induced by mutation

    • 20:50 - 21:05 Laura Schmid (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

      • Title: Direct reciprocity between individuals that use different strategy spaces

Chair: Sang Hoon Lee

    • 21:20 - 22:00 Da Zhou (Xiamen University)

      • Title: Effect of cell competition on the extinction of mutant cells in cellular hierarchy

    • 20:00 - 22:40 Yuriy Pichugin (Princeton University)

      • Title: Eco-evolutionary dynamics of multicellular life cycles


Chair: Seung Ki Baek

    • 16:00 - 16:40 Yuseob Kim (Ewha Womans University)

      • Title: Positive selection for coupled fluctuation in fitness and population size

    • 16:40 - 17:20 Matthieu Barbier (Plant Health Institute Montpellier, CIRAD)

      • Title: Long-term impacts of invasions in communities and consequences for ecology and evolution

Chair: Seung-Woo Son

    • 17:35 - 18:15 Sang Hoon Lee (Gyeongsang National University)

      • Title: Mesoscale properties of mutualistic networks in ecosystems

    • 18:15 - 18:30 Andrus Giraldo (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)

      • Title: A Bifurcation and Numerical Continuation approach to selective extinction in Complex Mutualistic Networks

Chair: Jeong-Mo Choi

    • 19:30 - 20:10 Silvia de Monte (Centre national de la recherche scientifique)

      • Title: Modelling artificial selection of community functions

    • 20:10 - 20:50 Wenying Shou (University College London)

      • Title: Heritability during selections of individuals and collectives

    • 20:50 - 21:05 Juhee Lee (Inha University)

      • Title: Developing microbial collective function with artificial selection

Closing 21:05 - 21:20: Sang Hoon Lee

Chair: Youngjai Park

    • 21:20-22:40 Poster session at the gather town

      • [PT-01] Sunhee Chae (Sejong University): Game of life with replication strategies

      • [PT-02] Meesoon Ha (Chosun University): Optimal evolutionary decision-making and control

      • [PT-03] Donghee Kim (Seoul National University): Evaluation SMC-based methods via coalescent simulation

      • [PT-04] Minjae Kim (Pukyong National University): Social norms in indirect reciprocity with the ternary reputations

      • [PT-05] Anzhelika Koldaeva (OIST): Population Dynamics in microchannels

      • [PT-06] Nahyeon Lee (Sejong University): Prisoner's dilemma in the Predator-prey model

      • [PT-07] Youngsuk Mun (Pukyong National University): Stability analysis in the continuous model of indirect reciprocity

      • [PT-08] Jong Il Park (Inha University): The role of heterogeneity in a Lotka-Volterra system

      • [PT-09] Youngjai Park (Inha University): What determines a shape of biomass pyramids

      • [PT-10] Samir Suweis (University of Padova): Constrained proteome allocation affects coexistence in models of competitive microbial communities

      • [PT-11] Alberto Batista Tomás (University of Havana): Path-integral solution of MacArthur’s resource-competition model for large ecosystems with random species-resources interactions

      • [PT-12] Igors Dubanevics (OIST): Numerical Simulation of Growing Bacterial Colonies in Microchannels


Organizing MEEting JC 11:00 - 12:00: Hye Jin Park