Meeting On

Statistical Physics and Complex Systems

1 - 3 July 2024

 IIT Kharagpur

Welcome to the MeetStatPhysIndia 2024! 

MeetStatphysIndia is a platform to bring together young and experienced researchers in the broad field of Statistical Physics and Complex Systems to showcase their latest research. It aims to promote cross-talks between different sub-disciplines and generate active collaborations at the national level. It also introduces new faculty members  to the larger Stat Phys community. 


The scope of the meeting is broad and interdisciplinary: Equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical physics and its application to condensed matter systems, quantum field theories, quantum information, soft matter, nonlinear physics/turbulence, etc.

Venue: TBA

Registration, Gather and Welcome: TBA (July 1, 2024)

Advertisement: MeetStatphys School on Biological Physics, December 2024 at IIT Hyderabad.