Photo Gallery

All smiles

This is Anne and I looking our best after she agred someone needed to take a picture of us.

Anne and I

This was taken while I was telling Anne we didn't need a selfie with the IST towel because I wouldn't take it seriously.


This is all of us talking over dessert (Mud pie, whipped cream, and dairy free ice cream)!

our Meal

This is the wonderful meal prepared! Ellen and Veronica made traditional Swedish meatball, mashed potatoes, and Swedish gravy. If all meals taste that good, I will be extremely satisfied in Sweden!

Dinner attendees

This is most all of us who attended the dinner: Ashley, Veronica, Ellen, Dr. Hines, myself, Anne, Dr. Hines' puppy, and Stephanie Martin. Carol, a high school exchange student hosted by Dr. Hines was taking our photo.


This was taken at about 2:30 am in all of our exhaustion from teaching and repacking about 4 times! If you ever travel some where hit me up for some tricks.

On our way

Anne and I are so excited. This is us piled into the back of my parents car on the way to the airport!