The real difference between meeting minutes and meeting notes is how we use them. Meeting minutes typically connotate a more formal report of the meeting whereas meeting notes tend to refer to shorthand, less formal documentation.

In 1885, Hermann Ebbinghaus hypothesized that you start losing memory of learned knowledge within hours of learning it. He named the phenomenon the forgetting curve. Even though this theory was developed over 100 years ago, it still holds true.

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The downside of Google Docs is the lack of structure and organization. Once you meet enough times, your document will become a never-ending scroll, making it difficult to find past conversations and decisions. Your Google Docs can easily become a graveyard for action items.

Keep your meetings organized and effective with meeting notes. Add an agenda, notes, and tasks for others to see and edit directly in Teams. Once added, meeting notes can also be shared and edited in with a Loop document.

Collaborate during a meeting by planning an agenda, tracking important details, and creating tasks. Changes to meeting notes can be viewed live by people in the meeting. Any attendee or organizer can access meeting notes and assign agenda items or tasks to specific people by tagging them.

From here, add to the agenda, edit notes, and establish follow-up tasks. Changes to notes will be seen live as they're made. Assign agenda items and tasks to specific people in your meeting by tagging them.

I would love to know what is the best way to upload call notes. Currently, our HubSpot automatically logs calls from our Google Calendar in the Meetings section of Activities on a customer's page. I was planning to add my call notes as notes on the meeting event in HubSpot, but I can see that notes on a meeting are not part of the searchable record in activities. For now, I am simply adding them under Notes in Activities and linking to the meeting, but would love to know if there is a cleaner way to upload them.

@willrguffregarding your structure it works but from what I know the more steps you give to a sales person the more you lose in data accuracy (they'll forget to make it on the notes, things you'll be duplicated, etc etc).

With that in mind the way is to keep it simple and in order to get what you want "I would love to have meeting notes linked to meetings and be searchable in the Search Activites" you should build a Report on Custom Report Builder set as main source "calls" add "contacts" and then you can search using the filter "call notes contains:"

For action items, we added a group to our Main Table called Action Items and Issues. We added a few columns we want to use for tracking these (like a Date Resolved column). We then created a new tab on the plan that filters only to the Action Items and Issues group and displays only the few columns we want to track for action items and issues. This is working really well because it calls them out separately and we can address them in our meetings without having to scroll through meeting notes.

Long term goals

Grouped by person on the team, each of us has 1-3 long term 90 day goals and there are status columns for each week (13 columns, each board is for just the current quarter) to denote on track or off track

@mbrubacher how did you actually create a template doc and do you add it as a file per item or under monday default tree/ folder?

I found it a bit messy to save it as a doc with no meta data attached.

@RyanBY I just created a Workdoc with the format that I wanted - very basic, as there is not much functionality in the Workdocs - then saved it as a template (top right corner 3 dots will let you save it as a template. Others can then use the template that was set up, but they can also modify as needed (if needed).

When creating a new one using the template, choose then and it should be there.

My team uses a single board for a reoccurring meeting. Each column is dated and then the agenda items are added in cards. The cards can then be assigned and individuals can add the card to their personal task lists or if they use the built in task function once they are tagged it will appear there. Works really well and keeps us organized!

StaffMtgTemplate1280720 150 KB

SO I stole this meeting format from Trello back when we used that tool before switching to Asana. LOL! I also use the Templates feature here, so these are all standard elements to our staff meeting that we cover every week. People add other topics / items as needed. Here are the instructions on how to use the board format:

When you have the call define one person responsible for taking notes. They would then add detailed notes for everything that has been discussed in the relevant subtasks and if there is anything to be actioned assign the task accordingly.

I am exploring options for our Project Management team to consolidate applications. One area that I've seen as a gap with Smartsheets is using it for meeting minutes. We currently use OneNote for internal and external facing project notes, status reports, and storing important project emails.

3) Email of the meeting minutes. I am still trying to figure out an easy way to distribute. I know that you can email out a report as an attachment, but as we all know, the more clicks the user has to take, the less likely they are to read the email. I'd like for the table of items to be populated in the email body.

We drive our status meetings through a RAID issue tracker I maintain in Smartsheets so updates are tied to the various project issues. I maintain primary status flags (due date, issue type, current owner, next step, customer prioirty, etc.) as columns and update them realtime during the call. I use the Comments section for arbitrary updates and to maintain a issue tracking history - very similar to Jira for development history.

That all works great and gives me an issue level view at any time for status level issues. What's missing is the concept of meeting minutes since updates are embedded within the smartsheet and scattered throughout. Notes works great for meeting minutes but as the the project manager, I'm busy driving the group coversation and updating the RAID to track at the issue level. so it's difficult to also capture meeting minutes in a distributable form. This comes up as an issue with escalations as non-core team members needs to be updated on curent issues/status and when certain decisions where made - which meeting minutes are good are sharing.

Ideally - I'd have a second team member take the meeting minutes realttime - but the "best" solution I've come up with as a single meeting owner is to use my Smartsheet RAID for managing the agenda, Notes for capturing the minutes and then updating the RAID from the minutes after the fact.

This is a bit of a funny one. If you have your .mht files in your Microsoft Teams Data/Wiki folder, when you select the file to open it (not download it) from OneDrive online, it downloads it as a .eml file instead and opens in Outlook ??

Hopefully one of those options works for you. I think the Word option is probably the simplest and makes it easier to manage the meeting notes. You can set Word to be the default application for .mht files if that option works for you.

@HelloBenTeoh tried to download notes (I am the meeting organizer) and mht file just turns up blank. losing a year of all-staff meeting notes and getting a little frustrated that this kind of thing happens everytime microsoft makes slight change

@HelloBenTeoh Very useful information as I too had the same issue. Recap has appeared as the replacement tab which is a very different feature to meeting notes from what I understand. I don't think I have access to collaborative meeting notes as I can't find it. Is there any other alternative to use to record meeting content? Many thanks H

@harrietrad Hey, no worries. You're right - recap is a way to gather all the information about the meetings (recording, transcript, shared files etc) and the new collaborative meeting notes are replacing the previous notes

To be able to use this feature, users need to be members of the Teams Public Preview and use the Windows, macOS or web (Edge, Chrome) Teams client. Other meeting participants are not required to be members of the Teams Public Preview.

My organization recently lost access to Notes, several different teams across the organization, and all of us have lost the ability to retrieve/see Meeting Notes and none of us have the 'Notes' button inside of meetings. There are no new updates to Teams, we all have the most up-to-date version.

@cNickel Hey, it feels like this are a bit clunky at the moment as the transition to collaborative meeting notes is happening. I believe it's still in Public Preview, so not everyone will have access to it. It may be worth having a chat with admin to enable it. Here's a link with more info: Public preview in Microsoft Teams

For new meetings where you want to take notes, I'd suggest adding a OneNote tab in your meetings for now until the new meeting notes roll out. There are plans to make them compatible with OneNote so hopefully it's not too hard to merge the two. 152ee80cbc

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