Awards & Posters


Best Submission and Presentation Award, 2021

PhD forum at the Cyber-Physical Systems Symposium (CyPhySS), 2021, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

Paper Title: Deep visual prediction with decomposing camera and object motion

• Best Poster Presentation 2018

Aerospace Research Students Symposium, AERES 2018, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

Poster Title: Learning to Predict Movement in Dynamic Environment

• Innovative Student Project Award 2015

Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) - Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Pune, India

• Gandhian Young Technological Innovation (GYTI) Award 2015

National Innovation Foundation, India and SRISTI Foundation. Presidential Palace, New Delhi, India

• Best Paper Award 2015

International Conference on Water Resources, Coastal and Ocean Engineering (ICWRCOE) 2015 Mangalore, India.

• Trainee Scientist (Mechatronics) Fellowship 2012

CSIR- Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute Durgapur, India

• Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering Fellowship 2012

Percentile score of 98.4%

• National Merit Scholarship 2005

Scoring 68th rank in State Secondary Board Examination


2021: Deep visual prediction with decomposing camera and object motion, M. Sarkar and D. Ghose,PhD forum at the 5th Cyber Physical Systems Symposium (CyPhySS-2021), Bangalore, India

2020: Robot Autonomous Motion (RoAM) Dataset for Dynamic Scene Prediction, M. Sarkar, V. Agrawal, P.Pradhan and D. Ghose, Women in Machine Learning @NeurIPS 2020 (WiML@NeurIPS 2020)

2019: Segmentation of Land Water Boundaries and Flood Analytics using Drone-Vision, P. Prabhu, S. Sriwastav, M.Sarkar, A. Agrawal and D. Ghose, Workshop on Emergency Flood Planning and Management using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 2019.

2019: Visuo-Temporal Prediction in Adverse Domains, P. Prabhu, M. Sarkar, and D. Ghose,Third Workshop onBrain, Computation and Learning (BCL 2019)

2018: Learning to Predict Movement in Dynamic Environment, M. Sarkar, and D. Ghose, Aerospace Research Students Symposium (AERES 2018).

2018: Learning to Predict Motion using Sequential Auto-encoders, Visiting Speaker at Ericsson Research