

Measuring the Effect of Self-Reported Sexual Orientation on Earnings: Evidence from the General Social Survey,Review of Social Economy, forthcoming.

Regional Effects of Perceived Risks of Harm on Cigarette Smoking among U.S. High School Seniors: Evidence from Monitoring the Future,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(17), (2021), 9120.

Did the Panama Canal Expansion Benefit Small U.S. Ports?” (with Jong-Ho Kim and EunSu Lee), Maritime Transport Research, 2, (2021), 100013.

A Preliminary Analysis of U.S. Import Volumes and Regional Effects Associated with the Panama Canal Expansion” (with Jong-Ho Kim and EunSu Lee), Research in Transportation Economics, 84, (2020), 100969.

Research in Progress

“Discrimination and Sexually Transmitted Infections: Are Minorities More at Risk?”

The Effect of Poor Tolerance on Risky Sexual Behavior”