Welcome to the Medina Chapter

Welcome to the Medina Chapter of The Izaak Walton League of America.  Founded in 1922, The Izaak Walton League is one of the nation’s oldest and most respected conservation organizations in the USA with a powerful grassroots network of more than 250 local chapters nationwide.  The Medina Chapter supports protecting our country's natural heritage locally and nationally and we have FUN.  We use our 73-acre wooded property and clubhouse year round:

Trap Shooting - Held on Tuesday 6:30 PM (Weather Permitting) Open to the public. $6.00 per round, you provide the shells. Call Tom Swartz 330-416-8260.

Turkey Shoots - Our Spring turkey shoots will start in March every Sunday thru April. Fall shoots will run September through November. Open to the public. Sign up at 8:00 AM, shoots begin at 9:30 AM, $4.00 for shoot, and we provide the shell. For further information email: bswartz@zoominternet.net



Conservation Education for Children and Adults



Nature Photography

Come visit!  Attend a monthly meeting or contact one of our officers listed in the Contact Us section.

The Medina Chapter holds a Monthly Pot Luck Dinner held every 2nd Saturday of each month at 6:30 PM