Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Medical Intuitive?
A Medical Intuitive is one who has the immediate knowledge of something without reasoning or logic. A Medical Intuitive has received no medical training, yet relies on intuition to specialize in the detection of medical conditions. Jay uses this ability to assist clients, physicians and health care practitioners in the detection of illness and the direction of treatment.
How did Jay come by this gift?
As a young adult in 1973, he became a Christian and was baptized. Since his baptism, he's been able to see an energy image that he describes as a black and white-type X-ray. He uses this image to provide answers to clients and physicians alike in the detection of emotional and physical pain and illness.
How can Jay's medical intuitive readings provide answers for me?
This X-ray image of energy allows Jay the insight to detect and evaluate one's illness. His ability provides clients the answers into what is causing their pain or illness, and which approach to treatment would be most advantageous to their wellness. With his insight he makes recommendations to individuals on choices of doctors and practitioners that are best suited for treatment. Not all individual's pain and illness are the same, therefore the approach to treatment is often different, and Jay's readings make those distinctions. Jay emphasizes that although he provides answers to your wellness, he does not prescribe medications nor does he perform treatments.
How long and what is the cost of medical intuitive reading?
Readings generally run a full hour and are conducted by phone. The current cost is $185.00 U.S. dollars. International readings are also $185.00 U.S. dollars. Jay continually strives to keep the cost of readings affordable for everyone, and believes it's important the price does not affect someone's opportunity to get the help they need and deserve.
Lost children and animal readings?
Jay is strictly a Medical Intuitive. He does not assist in the search of lost individuals or animals. Jay's gift of insight does not extend past the ability to read energy within humans.
How are medical intuitive readings provided?
Jay conducts all his readings by phone, not in person. He analyzes your health by seeing an energy field within you, therefore personal contact is not necessary. This ability enables him to reach all individuals, even on an international level.
Are over-the-phone readings any less effective than in person?
There is no difference in accuracy or ability from a telephone session or in-person session. In fact, Jay prefers telephone sessions because there is less distraction. However, when Jay does readings in person (seminars for example), he enjoys the interaction. A doctor's approach is to do physical examinations, Jay's approach is energy, and therefore can be conducted by phone. Location and distance is not relevant.
Is there a psychic approach to what Jay does?
Jay is a Medical Intuitive not a psychic. Psychics often experience physical or emotional feelings, even from others. They may be overcome by strong physical senses, vibration, voices, a video/scene being played in their mind. Jay has never experienced any of those symptoms. He simply sees health related energy fields in individuals for the purposes of detecting health related issues. Hopefully this helps in answering your question.
Are sessions recorded or provided?
Jay does not provide recorded session on his private readings. However, individuals are welcome to record if they desire. Jay provides ample time for individuals to take personal notes on their readings. Again, you are welcome to record the readings, but Jay does not.
How can I order Books or CD's?
Jay's book is available, "The Way I See It: Health Readings from the Man with X-Ray Vision."
If you are unable to heal from an illness or still have symptoms after undergoing traditional or alternative medical treatments, this book offers healing options you may not have considered. These 800+ excerpts from Jay Caliendo's health readings discuss remedies for overcoming specific illnesses and other health concerns. Click here to order from Xlibris online, or call Toll Free 1-888-795-4274. It is also available on Amazon.
Jay's Audio CD, "Your Friend" - Currently SOLD OUT
If you would like to get to know Jay better, available now is his personal audio CD, "Your Friend". Jay speaks to you from a living room setting, and for an hour you can enjoy listening to him speak about energy, spiritual gifts and answers some of the most asked about questions of him over the years.
How can I obtain a medical intuitive reading?
It's simple. Jay's medical intuitive readings can be scheduled via email at, and be sure to include your contact information. Please provide a daytime telephone number where you can be reached. Please be patient with a response due to the demand of calls. A member of Jay's staff will contact you to set up your appointment. Jay Caliendo conducts all personal readings himself.