10th July, 2023

Network approaches for observational health data to improve patient wellbeing

@ NetSci 2023

Vienna, Austria


The accelerated aging of global populations poses unprecedented challenges, specifically for the healthcare system. Today's reality of a 100-year lifespan brings a shifting multimorbidity burden as well as higher healthcare and long-term care expenses. 

The recent vast accumulation of patient health data on diagnoses, medications, and clinical parameters in electronic health records (EHR), clinical registries and other forms of observational healthcare data has accelerated the investigation of patient health beyond  the study of  single diseases considered in isolation from each other. 

In medical research, network science has been established to study a wide range of different types of networks that determine health. Many recent works demonstrated that network science provides insights into health-related problems and helps us to create better interventions and treatments. 


Call for abstracts is CLOSED

Submissions should be one page long and include the following information: title of the talk, author(s), affiliation(s), e-mail address(es), abstract, and one or two figures. The abstract submission deadline is May 31, 2023.

Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by e-mail no later than  June 10, 2023.


The goal of this event is to bring top scholars working on these  issues from around the globe!



Keynote Speakers

Isabella Friis Jørgensen

University of Copenhagen  Novo Nordisk Foundation 

Medical University of Vienna & CSH Faculty

Alexia Giannoula

Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM)/Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), Barcelona 



Jana Lasser 

Graz University of Technology

Johanna Einsiedler

University of Copenhagen

Yu Ohki

Kyoto University

Simon D. Lindner 

Medical University of Vienna 

Hiroko Yamano 

The University of Tokyo 


Please register if you'll be attending!

