Incoming message from: MediAlert. Certain internet functions will be switched to the Sub Net for emergency purposes. We recommend not using these services until the alert is no longer active. Please Stand By.

MediAlert - 6/28/2019

MediAlert is a system designed in 2037 by M.CO to alert the public of an event that could potentially be threatening to themselves or their belongings. These messages are displayed on TV, on mobile devices, on computers, and just about any other modern device connected to the internet. It is similar to 2019's Emergency Alert System (EAS), but it is not limited to old-fashioned radio, TV, or cellular networks. (Did you know that the logo for M.CO is based off of the EAS logo? That's not canon though.) More information

The Beginning - 6/18/2019

Welcome to an art project I hopefully won't forget about. It'll revolve around a story about a cyberpunk future in 2052 where ideals of a peaceful world are forgotten in turn for a system better fit to compensate overpopulation. Technology is becoming more and more of an unavoidable concept, one that has already encompassed the lives of 9/10 of the global population, which has just hit 10 billion. There isn't a main character in this story, it's just a scenario of the world in this future, and the impact that the Media Company will make.