1. Overview:

This document serves as a comprehensive guide outlining the user perspective for using an iOS application named "MediNarrate." The application is designed to employ GPT for the transcription of dialogues occurring between patients and healthcare professionals, symptom identification, and the generation of SOAP-format diagnoses. The development will leverage native iOS components and integrate native speech recognition services to facilitate speech-to-text conversion. In the following sections, we will present an overview of the essential features and operations of the application.

2. Context:

In the modern healthcare landscape, there is a growing need for healthcare professionals to streamline the process of documenting patient data, diagnoses, and medical reports. The Medinarrate app aims to address this need by offering a user-friendly and technologically advanced solution. The app's primary focus is on improving the accuracy and efficiency of medical data input and interpretation while providing a secure and accessible platform for healthcare practitioners.


3. Scope:

Scope of "MediNarrate" Application for Real-time Patient Transcriptions and Diagnosis by Doctors:

3.1. Objective:

The primary aim of the "MediNarrate" application is to enable healthcare professionals, specifically doctors, to efficiently record real-time transcriptions of patient interactions, document essential patient details, and facilitate the diagnostic process seamlessly.

3.2. Real-time Transcriptions:

The application will provide doctors with a user-friendly interface to transcribe conversations with patients in real-time. It will utilise GPT technology to capture and convert spoken dialogues into text, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.

3.3. Patient Details Documentation:

"MediNarrate" will allow doctors to input and record comprehensive patient details, including but not limited to:

3.4. SOAP Format Integration:

The application will adhere to the SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan) format commonly used in medical records. Doctors will be able to structure their transcriptions following this format, streamlining the documentation process and ensuring consistency.

3.5. Diagnosis Assistance:

To enhance diagnostic accuracy, "MediNarrate" will offer features such as:

3.6. Secure Storage and Access Control:

Patient data will be securely stored, adhering to strict privacy and security standards, including compliance with relevant healthcare regulations (e.g., HIPAA). Access control mechanisms will ensure that only authorized healthcare personnel can view and modify patient records.

3.7. Integration with Healthcare Systems:

The application will support integration with electronic health record (EHR) systems, enabling seamless transfer of patient data for long-term storage and reference.

3.8. Detail Sharing Capability:

"MediNarrate" will have functionality to share details with anyone directly through the app. The details will include patient’s demo graphic details and diagnosis details.

3.9. User-friendly Interface:

The user interface will be intuitive and designed with the needs of busy healthcare professionals in mind, minimizing the learning curve and maximizing productivity.

3.10. Flexible Transcription Services:

Doctors will have the flexibility to choose between native speech recognition services and AWS Transcribe based on their preferences and requirements.

3.11. Customizable ChatGPT Version:

"MediNarrate" will allow doctors to customize the version of ChatGPT they use by providing a ChatGPT key, ensuring they have access to the latest advancements in AI for medical interactions.

3.12. Compliance and Regulation:

The application will adhere to all relevant healthcare regulations and data privacy laws, ensuring patient confidentiality and compliance with legal requirements.

The scope of the "MediNarrate" application is to provide doctors with a powerful tool for accurate real-time patient transcriptions, efficient documentation, and enhanced diagnostic support while maintaining the highest standards of data security and compliance.