Discussion:  A literature review identified one brief mention of FETO in a 34-week dichorionic twin pregnancy in the medical literature, which resulted in the rupture of fetal membranes in the sac of the nonsurgical twin. Only one paper specifically addressed the question of whether it would be ethically permissible to subject a healthy twin to the risks of maternal-fetal surgery for the benefit of a compromised twin, finding that any risk to the unaffected twin would be an ethical contraindication. We offer our own analysis of moral weight and risk/benefit considerations of this proposed intervention, and present our findings on the circumstances in which it may be ethically permissible to perform a maternal-fetal intervention in a twin pregnancy.

In 1987, one question asking whether the respondent had received aninfluenza vaccination in the previous 12 months was added to thesurvey. n addition to questions on specific risk behaviors, theinterviews included questions on respondents' demographiccharacteristics. Questions concerning health conditions that increasethe risk for complications and death from influenza were not asked.Thirty-one states and the District of Columbia participated in the 1987BRFSS. Results were weighted to each state's most recent adultpopulation estimates by age, sex, and racial distribution, as well asby the respondent's probability of selection. Investigators used aspecialized statistical package for multistage sample design to analyzefindings.

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The 1990 health objectives for the nation set a target of 60%influenza vaccine coverage for high-risk populations, including personsaged greater than or equal to65 years (7). Based on the BRFSS data for1987 and a review of national influenza immunization estimates forprevious years, this objective is not likely to be met. Previousnational estimates of influenza vaccine coverage have been based on twosystems: 1) the United States Immunization Survey (U.S.I.S.)(discontinued after 1985) represented responses to questions regardingimmunization with influenza and other vaccines, which had been added tothe annual Current Population Survey conducted by the Bureau of theCensus; and 2) the CDC Biologics Surveillance (a national estimate ofthe number of vaccine doses administered annually) is based onmanufacturer-provided data on the net number of doses distributednationwide (i.e., total number distributed minus the number returned).Based on U.S.I.S. data, the proportion of persons aged greater than orequal to65 years who reported having received influenza vaccineremained stable from 1978 through 1985, ranging from 19.6% to 23.5%(Figure 1). In 1985, the last year for which U.S.I.S. data areavailable, the rate was 22.6% (CDC, U.S.I.S., unpublished data,1979-1985).

The decision tree performed well in both phases of high emetogenic chemotherapies, with a significant margin compared to the other algorithms. The accuracy measure for the six patient groups ranged from 79.3% to 94.8%. The app was developed using the results from the decision tree because of its consistent performance and simple, explainable nature. The bulk questionnaire approach asks 14 questions in the smartphone app, while the adaptive approach can determine questions based on the previous questions' answers. The adaptive approach saves time and can be beneficial when used at the point of care. 17dc91bb1f

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