An official NeurIPS Workshop - December 2020 - Online-only


Call for Abstracts

We invite submissions of extended abstracts for oral and poster presentation during the workshop. Submitting an abstract is an ideal way of engaging with the workshop and to showcase research in the area of machine learning for medical imaging. We encourage submissions from any area of medical imaging or computer vision (if an application to medical data is foreseeable). Submitted work can be of preliminary nature and we also invite perspectives and position papers to generate discussions about recent trends and major challenges.

Acceptance and selection of orals and posters will be based on the fit to the workshop and decisions will be made by the program and organization committee. There will be a lightweight peer-review with a scoring system but no written review feedback will be provided. There will be no workshop proceedings (non-archival), however, accepted abstracts together with author information will be made available on this website with an option to opt-out.


Abstract submissions are due Friday, October 9, 23:59 PST (CMT submission system)

Authors will be notified by Wednesday, October 28


Abstracts can be up to three pages (excluding references, broader impact statement and acknowledgements) and should be prepared using the NeurIPS paper templates. Abstracts need to be ANONYMOUS and submitted in PDF format and should contain a brief description of the work including context, methodology and results. A broader impact statement should be included as stated in the template, but the does not count against the page limit.