Lab members

Currently I am recruiting students for TFM, TFG and applicants for FPU and other competitive fellowships. 

Si estas interesad@, escríbeme y pásate por el labo cuando quieras!

See "people" section to find out about my former students.

My passion is to identify new molecular and cellular processes within the context of physio-pathological phenomena. I completed my PhD in molecular biology, focusing on HIV. Later, I conducted research in areas such as cell signaling related to mechanosensitive proteins, the actin cytoskeleton, plasma membrane mechanoadaptation, and nuclear transport. Additionally, I am interested in the regulation of oncogenes by mechanical signals and the interplay between mechanobiology and aging.

In my lab, we aim to identify new pathways that regulate mechanoadaptation within various cell organelles, particularly within the context of tumor biology, aging, and cellular responses to different types of stress.

Asier Echarri

Sara Martín Wieringa (center) and Sofía Camacho García recently joined the lab. Sara is focused on identifying new mechanoadaptive processes within the nuclear envelope. Sofía is investigating pathways that link two primary cell stresses: mechanical stress and oxidative stress.