Sample MOUs

The following are templates of Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) that can be used when working with schools or community organizations. It is recommended that prior to delivering prevention education services, a representative from the prevention team meet with someone from the school or organization to go over the expectations, outcomes, and conditions of the MOU you plan to use. Creating transparency about the work you do and what you expect of the school or organization, and in turn what they can expect from you, will often foster stronger relationships. MOUs such as those below also give you the opportunity to withdraw your programming if the school or organization does not meet the expectations outlined in the MOU or if there is a shift in environment or culture that could potentially make it unsafe for prevention educators to work within the school/organization.

It is recommended that you add your center specific logo to the MOU you are using. If you have questions about the templates below, please reach out to the center who created it.

SAMPLE Memorandum of Understanding -School

This template comes from Sexual Assault Crisis and Support Center (SAC&SC). The format is more formal in language and organization.

SAPARS Template - Memorandum of Understanding

This template comes from Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Services (SAPARS). The format provides additional details about the school district or organization being served and goes into detail about additional services such as drop-in hours.


This template from Sexual Assault Support Services of Midcoast Maine (SASSMM) provides additional context about lessons as well as the role of educators in schools. It also breaks down how mandated reporting and supporting student who have caused harm comes into play.

SARSSM Interagency Agreement Template

This template from Sexual Assault Response Services of Souther Maine (SARSSM), is used specifically when providing training to community organizations. It outlines details of the training while providing framing for what folks who take the training will and will not learn about as well as what kind of support your agency plans to provide as part of the larger training model.