Students: join the lab!

If you are a parent who is interested in participating in our online studies with your child, please see "Participate online!"   

Be an undergraduate research assistant for Fall 2024!

We seek an advanced undergraduate research assistant who is curious about the relationship between language and cognition, to work closely with Professor Alexis Wellwood in the next academic year. A track record of academic excellence, convincing areal interests, and a clear writing style are required for the position. Candidates with a demonstrated ability to acquire research skills in a self-directed fashion will be preferred for the position. The position will involve:

• Weekly meetings with the professor to discuss theoretical and methodological questions, set goals, and monitor progress

• Designing and programming online experiments, data management and analysis, reading (and perhaps helping to write) academic papers, general upkeep of the lab physical and digital infrastructure

• Paid part-time work @ 10-20 hours per week throughout the academic year

We are presently hiring for Fall 2024 but there is the potential (and hope) that the student will be available and appropriate to continue working in the Meaning Lab through Spring 2025 and potentially Summer 2025.

To apply, please email the following to by April 26th 2024:
●  Unofficial academic transcript
●  Up-to-date curriculum vitae/resumé
●  1-2 page personal statement indicating relevant research interests and skills