
From Logic Programming to Trustworthiness and Back

In this panel, we would like to discuss with the panelists and our audience the role of Logic Programming within XAI, particularly how it helps building trustworthy and ethical systems. Below we feature a list of questions we aim to address during our discussion:

  • Can opaque systems be considered ethical at all?

  • Is logic the language of explainability?

  • Are logic programs always explainable?

  • Is the explanation of decisions sufficient for trust?

  • Can logic programming help making opaque systems more transparent?

  • How can we formalize trustworthiness as an attribute of an agent?

  • ...


  • Luis Moniz Pereira (New University of Lisbon)

  • Giovanni De Gasperis (University of L'Aquila)

  • Francesca Alessandra Lisi (University of Bari)

  • Marija Slavkovik (University of Bergen)

  • Giuseppe Primiero (University of Milan)

  • Fabrizio Riguzzi (University of Ferrara)

  • Stefania Costantini (University of L'Aquila)