The workshop invites two types of submissions:

- original papers describing original research.

- non-original paper already published in formal proceedings or journals.

Original papers:

- regular papers must not exceed 14 pages (including references)

- short papers must not exceed 7 pages (including references). Short papers are particularly suitable to present work in progress, extended abstracts, doctoral theses, or general overviews of research projects.

Authors are requested to clearly specify whether their submission is original or not with a footnote on the first page.

 Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts in PDF via the EasyChair system at the link:

Manuscripts must be formatted using the 1-column CEUR-ART Style (you can access the Overleaf template here). For more information, please see the CEUR website


Authors of all accepted original contributions can opt for to publish their work in formal proceedings. 

Accepted non-original contributions will be given visibility on the workshop web site including a link to the original publication, if already published.

Accepted original papers will be published as CEUR workshop proceedings

We are also Planning to produce a TPLP special issue of selected papers.