My goal is to update/write the eeprom of the board at address 1 so that I no longer get the warning "warning - address 1 using factory EEPROM default values". When looking at documentation, the recommendation seems to be to use the DAQ HAT Manager utility, however I do not have the Raspberry Pi OS desktop interface, and am interfacing with my raspberry pi through putty.

As for now (August 2020), the rpi-eeprom-update script that you can download from i.e. GitHub ( see: -eeprom ) is more or less broken on other distros apart from Raspbian/Raspberry OS (where it is supposed to be either pre-installed, or can be installed with sudo apt install rpi-eeprom-update without any extra hassle). This means that it might be risky to try to run the EEPROM updater from any other OS than the official Raspbian/Raspberry Pi OS's.

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When booted into Ubuntu, check the status of your firmware with sudo rpi-eeprom-update (with no command line options after that -- and, assuming you have it installed or available on the Ubuntu side nonetheless, if not, see below.)

sudo rpi-eeprom-update (with no added commands) should just list the version details and notify if an update is available that the script can see -- see if the output from that command matches the correct EEPROM firmware version you are trying to install.

If the firmware version doesn't match, or if you don't have the rpi-eeprom-update at all on your Ubuntu -- which wouldn't be a surprise, since Ubuntu for the RPi4B does not come with the rpi-eeprom-update pre-installed, nor can it be installed via apt or any PPA's that I know of as of writing this.

After cloning the Git repository, cd rpi-eeprom into the cloned git repo directory and copy the files from its stable/ -sub-directory into whatever is your firmware .bin file directory according to rpi-eeprom-update (see below.)

**Do remember to keep your Raspbian/Raspberry OS updated, even (or especially) if you use it just to flash the EEPROM! Always run sudo apt update + sudo apt upgrade and REBOOT [!] BEFORE attempting to run rpi-eeprom-update (in some cases, sudo apt dist-upgrade / sudo apt full-upgrade might come in handy.

After that, re-run the sudo rpi-eeprom-update script and see what it says. The listing above should be what you get for the latest stable version of the RPi4B EEPROM firmware at the time of writing this (Aug. 18th, 2020) -- there also isn't currently a critical version of the EEPROM at the moment that would have direct USB MSD boot support in it.

Whenever running sudo rpi-eeprom-update with no command line options, and if it prints out: *** UPDATE AVAILABLE ***, you can always (at least try to) apply the available update by running: sudo rpi-eeprom-update -a (as in, apply available update.) - however, at least in the case of my 20.04LTS build that was of no use within Ubuntu.

I've had best results with rpi-eeprom-update by cloning it from Github whenever there's a new release out, sudo copying the subdirectories ( = stable/ , critical/ , beta/ ) underneath my firmware directory (in this case /usr/bin/firmware/ ) - be sure to be EXTREMELY cautious with that procedure though. I usually check each file against existing ones thoroughly before copying them to the firmware directories.

The rpi-eeprom-update and the rpi-eeprom-config scripts I've placed under /bin/ in my Ubuntu so that I can the EEPROM update from any directory, usually just to view what the current situation with the EEPROM version is.

Download rpi-eeprom .deb package on your browser (or curl/wget), download .deb file link from -eeprom/rpi-eeprom_9.0-1ubuntu1_arm64.deb (arm64 case)or -eeprom/rpi-eeprom_9.0-1ubuntu1_armhf.deb (armhf case).

You're hitting a page boundary. All EEPROMs can only write to one page per transaction. The M95M02 has 256-byte pages, so within any single call to eeprom_write, all your target addresses have to match in every byte except the least significant one.

Hi Len. Thanks for the suggestion. I had already tried that and it does not work, just changes the error message slightly. And I looked up the cy_stc_eeprom_config_t (of which EEPROM_config is an instance). and the user address is declared as uint32_t, so the cast is needed.

These EEPROM.h API calls are what I was using when I initially found the write failure. And using the PDL calls results in the same error once I removed the const declaration from the cy_stc_eeprom_config_t instance.

Hi. I am working on a project and it has external EEPROM connected to nrf52840 over I2C lines. But I dont seem to get it working in zephyr. I got the I2C drivers working but the problem with it is that it doesnt have any options for read/write addresses. Ofcourse there is burst read/write APIs which take start address as the parameter but that adddress is size is only 8 bits and hence it is suitable for sensors etc. But for my application, I have eeprom of 1MBit and 8bit is not enough for me to address all the locations. So is there any other option how I can do that? May be some example (I couldnt find any examples)? 

I found one module called eeprom in zephyr/drivers/ but I dont seem to get it working. And also I dont know if it can be used for external EEPROM or if it is only for internal EEPROM. 

Can I get some examples or guides fromw here I can refer and implement it in my project? e24fc04721

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