

DIU Result

October 20

My Shop

October 20

Demo Project: 3

i.understanding State Managment 

ii.Managing Data & UI Efficiently

source code here 

Recipe App

September 20

Demo Project: 2 

source code here 

Personal Expences 

September 20

Demo Project: 1

Beatiful Ui with Graph-Bar data representation.

source code here 

Unity3D- C#                 

ZigZag 3D Game, 

October 20

Infinite Level, Animated level.....

Based on C#  language. Ui ocused on android mode, can be export for any platform.

Visit my GitHub profile for Source code 

Tappy Android 2D Game.  

September 20

Based on C sharp language. Used InkSpace and Adobe Xd for drawing assets. 

Follow my GitHub profile for update.

source of Tappy Game. 

Drive link for GamePlay.

Android Development- Java            

Account Manager 

June 20

Working with Valley and Firebase with Material UI design and Data Visualization. 

Student Attendance Management System

October 19

This project was done in October 2019 according to the requirements. Firstly I made it for offline use based on MVVM. Final work completed on  Online Student Attendance Management System using Firebase and FireStore. 

Features: Use “File” to add, view, edit, delete students attendance related information and send this information to the parents via phone/email.


Weather App using  android weather API .

Scoreboard: Taking score on material ui and storing them on SQL database. Non-profit work of FB Android Dev group. I made an app according to his idea. 

NotePad: List auto sorting according to task completion (checkbox) and date.  SQLite db , MVVM and FireStore ( 3 diff. app with same functionality) .  Used FireAuthUi for authentication. List auto sorting according to task complete and date. 

EveryTime Working with Different Library try to make a real-life based implementation. New Library, Api, Modules make a new project.

For beginner it might help you.


AI based Chat Bot

April 20

Main Library of this project is Tensorflow and Natural Language ToolKit. Json data used to train the model. Voice can be implemented and it can be used as a virtual guideline. 

Face detection and Identification

May 20

This project is based on OpenCV and uses it’s classifiers. Pillow has been used to process images. Numpy dictionary helps to train models.

This project can be used in many sectors where person detection and identification is needed.  It has many different classifiers that can be used for eye, smile etc detection.  But for high security purposes we should use AI based models. Like any other project accuracy depends on Datasets.

A* Pathfinding Visualization

April 20

Its help to visualize A* pathfinding algorithm, how everything works. Here I have used PyGame Library to build the structure. 

Source Code

Web Scraping and bot


Using Beautiful Soup we are able to collect data from almost every site. Sometimes we have to use Selenium for web navigation . Scrapy also a good library. 

Twitter bot that can search and give auto react any post according command.
Tried to work on Facebook , able to grab info but being too dynamic site ,failed to react (except like) on posts.  

Scraping Diu Faculty pages to collect teachers information and save on excel files just by using Beautiful Soup

NewEgg GPU - It can help to find any product details from any  website according to our demand. 

DIU unlimited Voting  - Using the Selenium web driver we can navigate and complete the task. 

PyGame Pillow

Sept 20

AirCraft. This is a simple game based on PyGame library.  It demonstrates most shooting game's core functionality. 

Also made games like  dinosaurs and implemented a Pillow library to automate this game. 

Currently moved to Unity3d.

Merge All in One Excel Sheet (Automate copy and paste)

October 20

Merge All Excel files and their data into one single sheet. Helpful for Data processing,

required library: openpyxl  and glob or os.