Call for abstracts

Trust is integral to the human agent user experience. Yet there is little consensus on the conceptualisation of trust, how it should be measured, and the behavioural consequences of trust for such interactions.

This workshop will look to share the experiences of leading trust researchers across a wide range of relevant fields (e.g. Human-Computer Interaction, Behavioural Economics, Psychology) to understand the issues in measuring and conceptualising trust as well as map out future work in agent based trust. The workshop will include presentations from leading trust researchers with workshop participants each presenting work based on the abstract submitted, so as to inform and kickstart discussion. We plan to have a morning session on topics related to the measurement of trust in HAI, and afternoon sessions mapping concepts, methods, and the challenges in designing trustworthy agents. The submitted abstracts will be divided between these two categories to maximise discussion and engagement. It is expected that a summary of the key findings and agreements of the workshop will be archived in the ACM digital library for future reference.

Relevant workshop topics include but are not limited to:

* (Novel) ways to measure and evaluate trust

* Validation of current measures of trust

* Understanding how trust affects user behaviour

* Conceptualisation and dimensionality of trust and trustworthiness

* Work on trust in domains relevant to HAI application (e.g. healthcare, financial sector)

* Novel application of trust-based findings in applied contexts

* Designing agents to look, sound, and feel trustworthy

We invite 500 word abstracts from participants. These can range from opinions on the topics being discussed to previously published articles relevant to the workshop theme. It is not a requirement that abstracts have not been published elsewhere; in fact, we encourage discussions between current and past experimental work, theoretical frameworks, opinion pieces, and those between different disciplines and traditions. All submissions will be reviewed by at least 2 committee members for suitability to the workshop.

The call for abstracts is now closed. You can still take part in the workshop, all you have to do is register here.