Course Completed

I have been conducted several courses in several semester. But I like to share my knowledge specially program and problem solving based courses like Data structure, Algorithm, c language- that is program and problem solving etc. I also conduct some other courses that I have been listed in the following link with course resources. You are welcome to visit the course resources:

Computer science (Theory):-

                • Computer Fundamental

                • Data Structure

                • Data Mining

                • Program and problem Solving

                • Computer Graphics

                • Object Oriented Programming

                • Web Engineering

                • Algorithms

                • Artificial Intelligence

                • Database Management System

                • Operating Systems

                • Microprocessor and Assembly Language

                • Data Communication

                • Computer Networks

                • Computer Architecture and Organization

                • System Analysis & Design

Computer science (Lab):-

                • Data Structure Lab (With C)

                • Web Engineering Lab (With PHP, Java, MySQL)

                • Program and problem Solving Lab (With C, Java)

                • Artificial Intelligence Lab (With Python)

                • Computer Graphics Lab (With C)

                • Object Oriented Programming Lab (With Java)

                • Algorithms lab (With Java)

                • Database Management System Lab (With MySQL )

                • Operating Systems Lab (With Windows , Linux)

                • Microprocessor and Assembly Language Lab (With Assembly Language)

                • Computer Networks Lab (With Cisco packet tracer)


                • Mathematics-1: Differential & integral Calculus

                • Mathematics-2: Complex Variable, Linear Algebra and Coordinate Geometry.

                • Discrete Mathematics.

                • Ordinary & Partial Differential Equations.

                • Engineering Mathematics

                • Statistics And Probability.

                • Numerical Methods

                • Simulation & Modeling

                • Simulation & Modeling Lab (With Python)


                • Basic Functional English & English Spoken

                • Writing & Comprehension.


                • Physics- 1: Mechanics, Heat & Thermodynamics, Wave & Oscillation, Optics

                • Physics- 2: Electricity, Magnetism & Modern Physics.

                • Physics- 2: Electricity, Magnetism & Modern Physics - Lab.

                • Electrical Circuit

                • Electrical Circuit -Lab

                • Digital Electronics

                • Digital Electronics -Lab

                • Electronics Device and Circuit

                • Electronics Device and Circuit -Lab

                • Embedded System

                • Introduction to Robotics


                • Bangladesh Studies

                • Art of Living

                • Social and Professional Issues in Computing


                • Introduction to Bio- Informatics

                • Economics