• January, 2022: Our paper entitled "DLMP Integrated P2P2G Energy Trading in Distribution-Level Grid-Interactive Transactive Energy Systems" has been accepted for publication in Applied Energy.

  • August, 2021: Joined the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Denver as Postdoctoral Research Associate.

  • June, 2021: Defended my Ph.D. dissertation entitled "Distributed Transactive Energy Management in Smart Grid".

  • February, 2021: Our research article titled "Peer-to-peer energy trading in transactive markets considering physical network constraints" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid journal.

  • February, 2021: Our 3rd transaction paper titled "Distributed energy trading in smart grid over directed communication network has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid journal.

  • January, 2021: Our 2nd transaction paper titled "A two-tier distributed market-clearing scheme for peer-to-peer energy sharing in smart grid” has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics journal.

  • January, 2021: Our paper titled "P2P2G coordinated energy sharing in grid-interactive transactive systems" has been accepted for presentation in IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 2021.

  • August, 2020: Our conference paper entitled "Multi-agent system-based plug-and-play energy management system for DC microgrids " has been accepted for presentation in IEEE North American Power Symposium (NAPS), 2020.

  • April, 2020: Our research paper titled “A Computationally Efficient Consensus-Based Multi-Agent Distributed EMS for DC Microgrids” has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics journal.

  • February, 2020: Our paper titled "Distributed dynamic pricing in peer-to-peer transactive energy systems in smart grid" has been accepted for presentation in IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 2020.

  • December, 2019: Received recognition on outstanding performance in research from dept. of Electrical Engineering, University of Colorado Denver.

  • September, 2019: Attended IEEE ECCE 2019 conference in Baltimore, MD.

  • August, 2019: Attended IEEE PESGM 2019 conference in Atlanta, GA.

  • June, 2019: Awarded with travel grant of total $1,000 form Graduate School and Dept. Electrical Engineering, UCD.

  • May, 2019: Our paper titled "Peer-to-Peer Energy Arbitrage in Prosumer-based Smart Residential Distribution System" is accepted for presentation at IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2019.

  • May, 2019: Our paper titled "Multi Agent System-based Distributed Energy Management in Smart Grid Under Uncertainty " is accepted for presentation at IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2019.

  • February, 2019: Attended IEEE ISGT 2019 conference in Washington, DC.

  • February, 2019: Our paper titled "Multi Agent-based Distributed Energy Arbitrage in Residential Distribution System" is accepted for presentation at IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 2019.

  • 28 November, 2018: Our paper titled "Distributed Energy Optimization in MAS-based Microgrids using Asynchronous ADMM" is accepted for presentation at IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) North America, 2019.

  • 05 July, 2018: Awarded wtravel grant of total $1,000 form Graduate School and Dept. Electrical Engineering, UCD.

  • 02 October, 2017: Attend ECCE 2017 conference in Cincinnati, Ohio.

  • 01 August, 2017: Joined Metropolitan State University of Denver starts 21 August, 2017.