Extra Curriculum Activities

  • I'm a active member of CSE Programming Club of PUST. Here I work as a analytical and algorithmic problem solver and trainer of the junior students.
  • I am president of Chapainawabganj Students' Welfare Association(CSWA), PUST from May, 2017 till now. Here, I organizes the all programs like freshers' and farewell receptions, tours, helping poor students, managing funds for poor patients etc arranged by CSWA.
  • I am active member of blood donation club. Here we especially keep the tracks of rare blood groups e.g. (-) ve blood groups, whenever it is necessary, we try to manage the blood quickly.
  • I'm active member of Bishwo Shahitto Kendro(বিশ্বসাহিত্য কেন্দ্র).
  • I'm proudly a Tech Freak, Travel Freak, Foodie.