Maryland Deaf Access Committee 

Created to organize the foundation of funding and scheduling in-person AA meetings interpreted in American Sign Language (ASL) in Area 29.  For the ASL AA Community of Deaf, Hard of Hearing and late-deafened AA members who have the desire to stop drinking. 

Alcoholics Anonymous Responsibility Statement

I am responsible, when anyone, anywhere reaches out for help, I want the hand of A.A. always to be there. And for that: I am responsible.

Who We Are  

The Maryland Deaf Access Committee (MDAC) is a group  of AA members who work in cooperation with our local area districts and home groups to help ensure we can carry the message to ALL those seeking recovery.


Our main focus is providing ASL (American Sign Language) interpreters at in-person AA meetings in Area 29 to make the fellowship more accessible to the  Deaf, Hard of Hearng and late-deafened ASL community.

AA Traditions 

We follow AA’s 12 Traditions and are not affiliated with any outside organization. More information provided on our FAQ

Our Deaf AA members decide which meetings to have interpreted. 


 We rely on contributions from AA members and groups to pay for ASL interpreters. We encourage people to remember that when we’re discussing having ASL interpreters at meetings, we’re discussing providing language access to A.A.

Google Calendar

JOIN US for our monthly business meeting 

2nd Sunday of the Month at 4:30 p.m. EST  

Meeting ID: 86723924758

Passcode: 514472

Dial 1 301 715 8592 US

(Washington DC)

Make a MDAC 7th tradition contribution can for your home group.

Self-Support: Where Money and Spirituality Mix See page 13 "Other AA Service Entities"  

The AA treasurer 

Paypal QR

Paypal QR Code

Please consider sharing your 7th tradition with MDAC! 

We can only accept contributions from AA members. 

PayPal contributions can be made using either your credit card, checking account, or your PayPal account. Use the link below.

Treasurer: Kathi K

Contact us with any ideas, questions, or if you hear from Deaf AA members who need AA fellowship and support.

Please share our website  and contact information with anyone in need as well as Deaf professionals and service providers, we are here to help!

Our domain name directs you to our secure website from google 

How It Works & 12 Steps Video