MD Public High School Dance Showcase

For questions, please e-mail

Why have a State Public School Dance Showcase?

T - Shirt Design for 2025

Who is eligible?

All MD Public schools that offer fine arts dance classes that embrace National and State Arts Standards within their daily academic schedule are eligible to participate in Showcase. Each school may bring a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 20 total dancers.

DATE: January 10th, 2025 (Snow date Jan. 13th)

TIME: 9:00a.m. – 9:00 p.m.

LOCATION: Goucher College, 1021 Dulaney Valley Rd, Baltimore, MD 21204

All attendees will start in Kraushaar Auditorium

Sample Schedule of Activities and Events:

• Welcome, Orientation & Performance

• 90-minute master class or technical rehearsal*

• Lunch (bring your own/brown bag)

• 90-minute master class or technical rehearsal*

• 90-minute master class or technical rehearsal*

• Dinner (more information coming - each school is responsible for ordering dinner on their own from an off-campus site or Goucher Dining Hall)

• Evening Concert at 7:00 p.m. – All students/schools will attend the concert. The 2025 All-State Dance Awardees will be acknowledged after the concert.

* Every student will take 3 master classes – note: schools that are performing will take a Somatics class before or after their tech.

Dance Showcase Timeline - All forms for submission can be found below under Links to Teacher forms 

September 20, 2024: Intention Form Due

November 8, 2024: Piece Submission & Program Information Form Due, School & Dancer Fee Form(mandatory), T-shirt Order Form (optional) all fees are due by check. 

November 23 & 24: Acceptance of pieces and Program Order sent to schools

December 18,  2024: Class Schedule and Ticket information sent to schools

January 10th, 2025: Showcase

January 13,  2025: Snow Date 


What are the fees and optional costs? 

All fees are used to fund the cost of facilities, housekeeping, security, lunch for master teachers and administrators, technical services, audio-visual, accompanists, awards, AEMS’ administrative fees, adjudication, and more. The Showcase is planned, implemented, and run by volunteers. (Tricia Gooley, Suzie Henneman, Karen Kuebler, and Trish Spruill)

The master teachers are all from or living in MD and volunteer their expertise for the good of public-school dance education. 

2025 Required Fees

2025 Optional Fees

All School and Student Fees are due November 8, 2024 and are to be mailed to: 

Checks should be made out to AEMS

Karen Kuebler

709 Sudbrook Road

Pikesville, MD 21208 

If you have questions, please email Suzie Henneman at


Showcase Day Forms & Information

Intention & Piece Submission Forms

**If you are looking for your school code for your video submission, please email Judi Fey


Each school may submit up to TWO, pieces for consideration. Submission will be accepted via Google Form titled Program Information. Submissions should reflect completed work from this school year and performed by current students.  Pieces can be up to 5 minutes in length.

The Showcase pieces are adjudicated by a panel of MD professional dancers/artists/educators.  The adjudicators are not employees of or associated with a school system. The adjudicators represent a high level of experience with high school dance, Ballet, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Modern, Musical Theatre, World/Ethnic, Somatics, Hip Hop, and Tap. All adjudicators have a national presence in dance and are either from Maryland or working in MD. The criteria for selection will consist of 3 areas: Piece Unity, Performance, and Technique.  See sample adjudication rubric above.

Video submission requirements are outlined below.

Submissions will be accepted until November 8, 2024 by 8 p.m. Submissions received after the November 8 deadline or without lyrics, program information, music upload, and costume picture will not be reviewed or accepted. 


Dance showcase expectaTions

Please review these expectations and discuss with dancers prior to Showcase day. 

1. Be on time for the entire Showcase schedule. All registered dancers must attend the full day and participate in the finale. 

2. In addition to the teacher, schools must provide one chaperone per 10 students who will accompany the group throughout Showcase day. The minimum number of chaperones is one. (e.g., 20 dancers = 2 chaperones + teacher). Chaperones and teachers are to remain with students throughout the showcase day.

3. Monitor student behavior to ensure professionalism and appropriateness. Remind students that they are in an academic setting and guests of Goucher College. Respectful behavior reflects positively on your school and the Showcase. 

4. Follow directions given by showcase coordinators, tech, and theater staff. 

5. Discuss the responsibilities of being a guest of Goucher College with students (picking up trash, neatness in assigned dressing rooms and rooms, responsibility for clothing and belongings, and noise level.) 

6. Do not bring headphones, tablets, jewelry, or other valuables. Goucher College and/or MPHSDS cannot be held responsible for unsecured property. 

7. Make sure students are properly dressed for class and rehearsal. Appropriate dress is a leotard/tank top/fitted top, tights or leggings, and appropriate shoes for class. Hair should be secured up and out of the face, and no gum or jewelry permitted. Dancers must wear cover-ups while traveling between classes/tech. 

8. Studios may not be used for rehearsing pieces during the Showcase day.


9. Lunch and Dinner is to be eaten in the specified areas only. Schools may not leave the campus for  lunch or dinner. 

10. Dancers should either be in class, in a designated space or in the auditorium/auditorium lobby at tech and should not be sitting in hallways. 

11. Schools must bring a first aid kit. Ice packs are highly recommended. 

12. Students must remain seated during the concert except to go backstage to perform. 

13. Review appropriate audience etiquette with students. Applause is the only appropriate response at a fine arts dance concert; yelling, whistling, and calling dancers' names are unacceptable responses. Cell phones should be off,​ and no texting or recording should occur during the entire Showcase day including tech and concert. Teachers must enforce this. 

14. Bring a backup copy of your music.

15. Before leaving Goucher College, check that the dancers have all their belongings. Pick up the seating area; remove all programs and trash. Each school is responsible for cleaning up throughout Showcase day before leaving all Goucher facilities. Leave no trace! 

16. Make sure dancer transportation is arranged for after the completion of the concert (Approx. 9 pm). All dancers are expected to stay for the entire performance. 

Need Help?

Showcase Planning Committee: - For questions, please e-mail

Suzie Henneman - Intent Form, Program Info., All-State auditions, e-communications, Goucher liaison

Judi Fey -  Piece Adjudication, Program Information, Program, T-shirts, Rubric Committee

Karen Kuebler - all Payments & Fees 

Trish Spruill - Morning Performance and All-State Auditions 

Tricia Gooley - Technical assistance and Rubric Committee 

Linda Garofalo - Goucher College Dance Dept. 

Advisory Council:

Anne Arundel County 

Melissa Bell

Baltimore County 

Claire Sweet

Charles County 

Ashley Muse

Frederick County 

Stephanie Weigelt

Harford County 

Caroline Brazil

Howard County 

Keedra Brown

Kent County 

Amber Wright

Montgomery County 

Tricia Gooley

Prince Georges County 

Janette Gillis

Washington County 

Andrea Masciocchi