Frequently Asked Questions


What programming languages and software libraries are used in the competition software?

The competition code is based on the Pyquaticus simulation environment. The main software libraries used by Pyquaticus are Python3.10, RLlib/AI Gymnasium, PyTorch. A full list of libraries is inside the docker/requirements.txt file in the Pyquaticus code repository.

What are the versions of the different Python packages used in the competition software?

You can find the versions of the different libraries and packages inside the docker/requirements.txt file in the Pyquaticus code repository.

What operating systems are supported by the competition software?

The competition software has been tested on Windows 11 and Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04. 

Is there any sample code available for getting started with programming for the competition?

See the sample code on the Training an agent to Play MCTF page of the competition Website.

I need help with understanding some features of the competition code. Could I get some help?

You can reach us via the MCTF@AAMAS2024 Slack Channel  (preferred) or email us at

How can I test how my code is performing in the competition?

There are two ways to do this: locally (on your machine) or via uploading your code on the MCTF Codalab page and see how it performs against the different baseline opponent team strategies provided by the competition organizers. Detailed instruction for these are available on the Submit Your Entry page.

I would like to use a different Python package than the ones that are supported in the competition software to write my competition code. Could I do that?

Before going ahead with this, you should contact the competition organizers via the MCTF@AAMAS2024 Slack Channel  (preferred) or via email at We will review your request and get back to you. For code written with Python packages that are not supported in Pyquaticus, we cannot guarantee 100% compatibility with the competition code testing setup.

I think I found an issue/bug with the competition software. Where can I report it? 

You can report it on the MCTF@AAMAS2024 Slack Channel  (preferred) or email us at Someone will get back to you.

Participation and Attendance

Do I have to attend AAMAS to be able to participate in the MCTF competition?

You do not need to attend AAMAS if you participate only in the qualifying round of the competition. Teams that qualify for the final round will be invited to attend the MCTF competition meeting (half-day) at AAMAS. We require that at least one team member from each invited team to attend AAMAS (in-person preferred) to present their competition entry at the meeting.

Do I need to register for AAMAS if my team is invited to attend the MCTF competition meeting at AAMAS?

You DO NOT need to register for AAMAS for this.

Can anyone attend the MCTF competition meeting at AAMAS in-person?

All AAMAS registrants can attend the MCTF competition meeting at AAMAS in-person. If you have not registered for AAMAS, you can attend the MCTF competition meeting in-person only if your team qualified for the final round of the MCTF competition and was invited by the MCTF competition organizers. 

Could I attend the MCTF competition meeting at AAMAS virtually if I cannot make it to the AAMAS venue?

We strongly suggest that at least one member of each team that qualified for the final round of the MCTF competition attend the MCTF competition meeting at AAMAS in-person. Other team members that are not attending the MCTF competition meeting could join the meeting virtually. 

If, due to extenuating circumstances, none of the members of a team that qualified for the final round of the MCTF competition are able attend the MCTF competition meeting at AAMAS in-person, the competition organizers will try their best to provide a virtual meeting link.

However, the MCTF competition organizers are not able to guarantee reliable Internet availability for a virtual meeting. 

When will finalists be notified about their invitation to attend the MCTF competition meeting at AAMAS?

We plan to do this by April 8, 2024 so that attendees have about one month to make their travel plans to the MCTF competition meeting at AAMAS.

Will MCTF competition organizers help with my travel and/or lodging if I attend the MCTF competition meeting at AAMAS?

Regrettably, MCTF competition organizers cannot help with travel and/or lodging. 

Are there any limitations on who can participate in the MCTF competition?

There are very few limitations on participation, mainly for legal reasons. You can find these on the Eligibility Requirements page of the competition Website.

When/Where is the MCTF competition meeting at AAMAS?

The MCTF competition meeting will be held at AAMAS as a half-day meeting on one of the days between May 6-10, 2024. The schedule will be announced on the MCTF competition Website and MCTF@AAMAS2024 Slack Channel as soon as it becomes available. 

The in-person MCTF competition meeting will be co-located with AAMAS 2024 in Auckland, NZ. Check out the AAMAS 2024 Website for further details on AAMAS venue and dates.