Contact Information:


Phone: (215) 663-0430 - ext 6151

To reach me during after school hours send me an email. Make sure you include your child's name, details about your concern/question, and how soon you need a reply. I will do my best to answer it by the end of the day but realize that emails sent later in the day may not be answered until the following day.

Google Classroom

Click on the picture to the left to access Mr. Burns' Google Classroom!

Who is Mr. Burns?


My academic journey in the Abington School District began as a McKinley Kindergarten student at McKinley to now a 3rd Grade teacher at McKinley! Abington School District has shown me that being part of a team is essential to creating an inclusive learning environment necessary for all students to achieve their full potential. One noteworthy personal experience happened during my senior year of high school at the Senior High. With an eagerness to explore the calling within me to teach, I reached out to my two former McKinley teachers, Mr. Dennis Beam and Mr. Gary Tyson, to see if they would consider mentoring me. Both were excited at the opportunity and with the help and coordination from Administration, I converted my senior study hall hours to time spent in their classrooms again for a valuable teaching experience. I am so lucky to have had teachers like the ones at McKinley because there is a difference in the approach to teaching here.

With the help of administration, colleagues, and of course the students, I have learned so much about what it means to be an effective teacher to meet the needs of all my students. I believe that each child has their very own unique learning style and deserves a nurturing environment with a teacher who is knowledgeable about the content they teach in order for them to reach their full potential. I also believe that every child has the immense potential to not only make an impact on the world, but also within themselves. As a teacher, my overarching goal is to get my students as well as their families to see themselves for who they really are and that they can achieve anything no matter how hard it may seem.

When the teacher's main role is to guide students to learn, their natural search for curiosity is met. It is natural for children to ask questions. I not only want my students to ask questions, but it want them to be able to find answers. It is always a pleasure to not only see the excitement in child's eye when they learn something new, but it is even better when they are able to use some self-discovery. I believe this will foster their ability to grow into adults , 21st century thinkers, problem solvers, and champions.

With everything being said, I believe that every student deserves a champion, and I promise you that I make it my mission to assume that role of a champion role-model for each and every one of my students! :)

-Mr. Burns

Educational History:


La Salle University

Class of 2019

Bachelor of Arts (Magna Cum Laude)

Early Childhood Education (PreK - 4th Grade)

Special Education (K - 8th Grade)


McKinley Elementary 3rd Grade Long Term Substitute (Fall 2019)

McKinley Elementary Special Education Learning Support (Spring 2020)

McKinley Elementary 4th Grade Teacher (2020-21 School Year)