How does one best communicate in science, in written form?

Peer Review Activity

Before 5:00 PM on the Thursday before this class, please submit a complete draft of your final paper via the link below. Please consult The Elements of Style for reference on good, clear writing. Lastly, read this news item before class. You do not have to submit an assignment based upon this article; just be prepared to discuss it during class.

During class, we will work on a peer review activity. This consists of two parts:

i. is written in a clear way so that the reader will likely understand all of the key aspects of the topic;

ii. contains only accurate information, and no misleading statements (this included the title);

iii. helps the reader understand why this item was written as why this is important;

iv. provides the public with information and explanations that improve their ability to understand the subject. 

Submit your review here via a Word document. For each of the above (i-iv) parts, write a few sentences.

Submit Draft of Paper, and in-class Assignment

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