Emergency Callout

Click here for emergency callout pricing

Plumbing Emergencies

Do you have a burst pipe in need of immediate attention?

Have you discovered a wet patch in your home that cant be explained?

Is your toilet constantly filling or flushing?

Give MCH a call immediatley

Drainage Problems

Is your kitchen sink not draining very quickly or is it completely blocked?

MCH can rectify this for you in no time at all. We unblock kitchen and bathroom sinks as well as showers, baths and toilets

*Please note. This service applies to internal blockages only. If the blockage is found to be in an external drain there is no guarentee it can be resolved. The minimum callout fee will still apply

Emergency Boarding

Do you have a broken window?

Has you door been damaged and is insecure?

Contact MCH and we can make your doors and windows secure and weatherproof until they can be replaced

Emergency Lock Changes

MCH can replace the majority of UPVC Euro cylinder door locks. We stock a variety of replacements for all budgets and required levels of security.

**Please Read**

Emergency plumbing callouts are an isolate and make safe solution only. They do not include any remedial work required to completely rectify the problem. Estimates can be provided to carry out further works that are required.

Emergency boarding callouts will temporarily secure your window or door with structural OSB board until a replacement window pane or door can be fitted. Unfortunatley we do not offer a replacement glass or door service at this time