McGIll Iranian Student Association


The McGill Iranian Student Association (MISA) is a non-profit, non-partisan, and non-religious student-led organization established in 2007 that aims at facilitating the integration of Iranian students within the McGill community as well as catering to those showing an interest to Iranian culture.

What We've Accomplished

Our club has managed to create a warm and supportive environment for Iranian students that have newly arrived at McGill as well as promote Persian culture within the McGill community at large. We hope to continue achieving greater heights by expanding our club's network as well as extending our outreach to a wide array of students showing genuine interest in familiarizing themselves with Persian culture.

Our Mission

To represent and promote Iranian culture and heritage both within and outside of McGill.

Our Goal

To work with different organizations and student groups across McGill, Montreal and beyond & strengthening our ties with both Iranian and non-Iranians across the world.

Our Core Values

To help Iranian students lead an enriching student life experience at McGill under both academic and non-academic contexts either through organizing social activities or providing them with information and support.