Past Work

Recombination, diversity, and divergence— One central question in evolutionary genetics is whether neutral forces like drift and mutation shape nucleotide diversity more than selection. Interestingly, nucleotide diversity within a species is positively associated with local rates of recombination across a genome, and this relationship is consistent across a wide phylogenetic breadth. Both neutral forces (e.g., recombination being mutagenic) and selective forces (e.g., recombination limiting the neutral diversity eroded by selective sweeps and background selection) can explain this observation, but it is unresolved as to which force plays a more dominant role. Thus, this question is central to understanding and interpreting diversity in the genome.

With collaborators, I found strong evidence that recombination preserves diversity in the face of selection in the model system Drosophila on a genomic scale (McGaugh et al., 2012). Our data indicate that a substantial portion of nucleotide diversity in the genome is not governed purely by neutral forces and is instead strongly influenced by an interplay of recombination and selection. Further, in areas of high recombination, I identified that nucleotide diversity near substitutions, many of which were putatively fixed by selective sweeps, recovers in close physical proximity to the substitution. In areas of low recombination, the footprint caused by selection may be larger than in areas of high recombination (Fig. 1). This is expected by long-standing theory, and our data represent one of the first empirical demonstrations.

Recombination, chromosome rearrangements, maintenance of species boundaries—How speciation occurs and genetic differences between taxa are maintained or intensified in the face of hybridization are fundamental questions in evolutionary biology. Inversions are likely important for maintaining differences between diverging populations during the early stages of speciation or when nascent species come in to secondary contact because inversions reduce recombination and genetic exchange between the inverted and standard chromosomal arrangements.

We resequenced 15 genomes to examine the divergence between two sister species of Drosophila that harbor different chrom

osome inversion arrangements. We found that divergence is significantly greater inside the inversions relative to outside of the inversions (Fig. 2; McGaugh & Noor2012). Outside of the inversions, the DNA divergence between the two species resembles within species diversity, suggesting that nucleotide divergence has been nearly homogenized by gene flow in areas not protected by the inversion. We determined that the inversions arose approximately 2mya, but appear to have fixed between species recently (McGaugh & Noor 2012). This suggests that the inversions in this Drosophila system provide the first empirical example supporting a new theory of speciation whereby inversions can arise in allopatry, be maintained as polymorphisms by mutation-selection balance for long periods of time, and are later driven to fixation when the two species come into secondary contact due to selection pressure against hybrids (“mixed geographic mode” theory of speciation proposed by Feder and colleagues in 2011).

Habitat heterogeneity and population genetic structureUnderstanding how organisms with different habitat requirements respond to the same landscape is important for developing efficient corridors and delineating regions of high conservation priority.

I compared the population genetic structure across the entire species’ range for three turtle species in a desert-spring ecosystem. Each desert-dwelling species differs in the degree that they require aquatic habitat. Over an identical geographic area, the turtle with the highest aquatic requirements exhibited the strongest population structure and lowest effective population size, while the least aquatic turtle exhibited almost no population genetic structure and highest effective population size (Howeth, McGaugh, & Hendrickson 2008; McGaugh 2012). These results provide a strong example that the habitat requirements of an organism and habitat heterogeneity of the ecosystem can interact to shape current population genetic structure and, ultimately, the evolutionary trajectory of a species.

Part of this work involved developing microsatellite markers from next-generation sequencing data for the softshell turtle, a species that had no previous genomic resources. This has proved to be a rapid, affordable approach.

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Another aspect of this work involved evaluating the species delimitation of Apalone atra. While the jury is still out on this question, it does appear that the coloration of Apalone (the main species characteristic) in the basin is highly correlated with the soil of the habitat (McGaugh 2008). This looks to be a general theme as the sliders in the basin exhibit a parallel change.