"What you permit, you promote, and what your promote becomes your standard."

-Battalion Chief Tiffanye Boyd Wesley Arlington Co. FD



The Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service is a large organization, career and volunteer, that has been brought together to execute a mission that is both inherently dangerous and critical to the public good. We are, in many cases the last line of defense between people and disastrous outcomes. 

As the Operational Doctrine (ODS) highlights, 

"Many of the people assisted by MCFRS personnel are in a vulnerable position; they are either unable to resolve the issue at hand for themselves or they are unable to advocate for themselves. In some cases, personnel will need to act as a gateway to other agencies and services. In other cases, personnel will need to be advocates for those who cannot advocate for themselves. 

Personnel must never lose sight of their role as public servants and the importance of advocacy to that role. They must remember that whenever they are operating as MCFRS members they represent themselves, their crew, their chain of command, MCFRS, and the County Government. All personnel have a duty to demonstrate integrity, empathy, and compassion, especially when the situation is challenging. This reality places a demand on the moral center of personnel."

Without a doubt we are facing challenging times. As we continue to do our work we have experienced first hand the impacts of COVID19 on people and society. We have also watched our County, our State, and our Country, experience heart wrenching and difficult discourse around some of our most basic social and political structures. 

It is impossible to come to work and magically forget that there is a big world out there full of problems, issues, and ideas. But when we do come to work the most important thing that we can do is to ensure that we are part of a workplace free of discrimination and harassment. 

This is important for three core reasons: 

We are not alone in this venture. The Chief of Staff of the Army expressed a very similar sentiment at at recent workshop saying, "If we have an Army that is cohesive teams, where everyone treats everyone with respect, everyone takes care of each other, we represent the diversity of the nation, and everyone feels included – everything else follows," He went on to say, "...And I would argue that if everyone's treating everyone with dignity and respect, and they're taking care of you," the problems he'd outlined "would not happen, and they can't happen." -source


We can't execute the mission without cohesive teams and we can't have cohesive teams where it is acceptable to be rude, dismissive, demeaning, discriminatory or harassing.

We must execute the mission. 

This training is step one in a multi-year effort to re-calibrate the culture of our service. We intend to do this by reinforcing those parts of our traditions that should be reinforced and by correcting ourselves where we have drifted off course or have taken things too far.

Executing the Plan for 2023.

For this refresher we want to start at square one. We are focusing on what harassment means, how we expect personnel to react to it, and how to report it. We recognize that these are not easy issues to navigate so we have made every effort to provide clear text that helps each of you to understand where we stand as an organization. 

Everyone is required to participate because everyone is responsible for ensuring a workplace free from harassment. Even though each individual will need to sign onto the Tech Training Site to complete a learning assessment we encourage station officers to use this material as a focal point for discussion of the organizational expectations. 

Objectives for 2023.

Complete an online EEO refresher that focuses on: 


The refresher has been completed when:

There are two main parts of this refresher and the learning assessment questions are drawn from all parts. 

Part One. Review Material. A review of harassment and of applicable Federal, State, Local and organizational policy

Part Two. Scenarios. These two scenarios will provide an opportunity to discuss the information in context. 

Part Three. Learning Assessment. MUST be completed individually to receive credit for completion.
