
A. Professional Quality

1. To enhance standards of effective leadership through educational administration, leadership and supervision;

2. To encourage educational leadership opportunity for all in a democratic society; and

3. To promote the periodic cooperative examination of educational administration, leadership and supervision programs to ensure quality and effectiveness.

B. Professional collegiality

1. To share ideas, information and problems, both on an individual and on an institutional basis;

2. To devise strategies for optimum utilization of available resources at the various member institutions and at related educationally oriented organizations;

3. To support the academic freedom of our membership;

4. To work cooperatively toward utilizing the knowledge base and the practice of educational administration, leadership and supervision; and

5. To support the New York State Collegiate Association for the Development of Educational Administration (CADEA) in its work toward these goals.

C. Professional representation

1. To represent the concerns and interests of the educational administration, leadership and supervision programs in the greater New York City metropolitan area;

2. To maintain affiliation and collaboration with CADEA;

3. To assist the schools and districts in the New York City metropolitan area, the New York City Council of Supervisors and Administrators (CSA/AFL-CIO), the New York State Education Department, the New York State Legislature, professional associations, community and other professionally-oriented groups responsible for the support of education; and

4. To inform and consult with other appropriate groups on behalf of the membership of MCEAP.