McDuffie County

Joint Comp Plan Update

2020 - 2025

As required by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, McDuffie County and the contained jurisdictions of Thomson and Dearing have begun an update of their Comprehensive Plan. Though each jurisdiction will have unique goals, objectives, and work program activities, the Plan update will be undertaken as a collaborative effort. The process will consist of a series of stakeholder meetings, public hearings, and community involvement activities. It will conclude with anticipated Plan adoption in February 2021.

The Plan will contain work program activities focusing on the following areas of concern:

  • Economic Development

  • Housing

  • Community Facilities

  • Transportation

  • Natural and Cultural Resources

  • Land Use

How can you get involved?

Please take a moment to provide your input on the SWOT Analysis and the Community Improvement Survey!

Also, please take time to (re)familiarize yourself with the current Comprehensive Plan by clicking the image below.