The CSS selectors module defines the patterns to select elements to which a set of CSS rules are then applied along with their specificity. The CSS selectors module provides us with more than 60 selectors and five combinators. Other modules provide additional pseudo-class selectors and pseudo-elements.

Part of CSS building blocks, includes tutorials on Type, class, and ID selectors, Attribute selectors, Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements, Combinators, Cascade, specificity, and inheritance, and Cascade layers.

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In CSS, selectors are used to target the HTML elements on our web pages that we want to style. There are a wide variety of CSS selectors available, allowing for fine-grained precision when selecting elements to style. In this article and its sub-articles we'll run through the different types in great detail, seeing how they work.

A CSS selector is the first part of a CSS Rule. It is a pattern of elements and other terms that tell the browser which HTML elements should be selected to have the CSS property values inside the rule applied to them. The element or elements which are selected by the selector are referred to as the subject of the selector.

In CSS, selectors are defined in the CSS Selectors specification; like any other part of CSS they need to have support in browsers for them to work. The majority of selectors that you will come across are defined in the Level 3 Selectors specification and Level 4 Selectors specification, which are both mature specifications, therefore you will find excellent browser support for these selectors.

If you have more than one thing which uses the same CSS then the individual selectors can be combined into a selector list so that the rule is applied to all of the individual selectors. For example, if I have the same CSS for an h1 and also a class of .special, I could write this as two separate rules.

There are a few different groupings of selectors, and knowing which type of selector you might need will help you to find the right tool for the job. In this article's subarticles we will look at the different groups of selectors in more detail.

This group of selectors includes pseudo-classes, which style certain states of an element. The :hover pseudo-class for example selects an element only when it is being hovered over by the mouse pointer:

The final group of selectors combine other selectors in order to target elements within our documents. The following, for example, selects paragraphs that are direct children of elements using the child combinator (>):

I want to make a dashboard indicator that lets each employee see how many total hours they've worked, but I can't find a way to make the category selector use "Contains" logic instead of "Equals" logic, so if an employee enters their name right now they only get a count of all the hours where they've worked alone.

Selectors are not limited to matching against single node types. For example, the selector VariableDeclarator > Identifier will match all Identifier nodes that have a VariableDeclarator as a direct parent. In the program above, this will match the node for foo, but not the nodes for bar and baz.

When I try the selector using categories from features, it seems I can only can filter for the one answer that "exclusively" has one response. I tried putting in a filter first, and looking atthe "preview data table" button in the selector configuration, the data table filters correctly, but when I'm in the dashboard, if I click the selector, it only selects the exclusive answer.

I would like to use the category selector on a string field and use a Like Operator. It does not look like this is possible. I am trying to create a drop down category selector to filter hydrants by the shift(A,B, or C) they are assigned to for flushing.

If I understand you correctly, you can use a LIKE operator on a category selector by changing the Selection property to Multiple. In the interface we call the LIKE operator "Include". After choosing Multiple, the Operator property will change to include. This will allow you to "include" one or multiple values in the WHERE clause generated from the category selector. Please let me know if this answers your question.

In my operations dashboard, I have a dropdown category selector to allow the user to choose a department and filter what shows up in the list (items in the list should include the chosen department). The problem is that the items in the list are surveys completed via Survey123 and the survey field connected to the dashboard category selector can contain multiple departments.

Next, notice that when "Social Services" is selected in the "Department" category selector dropdown, the list item/survey that was the last one in the above screenshot is NOT included in the filtered list, but I need it to be included!

I created a sql view that populates a "yes" value into fields (one field per building) when the building value is found within the Locations field (Building 1, Building 2, etc..). Then setup individual selectors for each building and configured the actions.

A selector may be created by invoking the open method of this class, which will use the system's default selector provider to create a new selector. A selector may also be created by invoking the openSelector method of a custom selector provider. A selector remains open until it is closed via its close method. A selectable channel's registration with a selector is represented by a SelectionKey object. A selector maintains three sets of selection keys:   The key set contains the keys representing the current channel registrations of this selector. This set is returned by the keys method.

All three sets are empty in a newly-created selector. A key is added to a selector's key set as a side effect of registering a channel via the channel's register method. Cancelled keys are removed from the key set during selection operations. The key set itself is not directly modifiable. A key is added to its selector's cancelled-key set when it is cancelled, whether by closing its channel or by invoking its cancel method. Cancelling a key will cause its channel to be deregistered during the next selection operation, at which time the key will removed from all of the selector's key sets. Keys are added to the selected-key set by selection operations. A key may be removed directly from the selected-key set by invoking the set's remove method or by invoking the remove method of an iterator obtained from the set. Keys are never removed from the selected-key set in any other way; they are not, in particular, removed as a side effect of selection operations. Keys may not be added directly to the selected-key set.

During each selection operation, keys may be added to and removed from a selector's selected-key set and may be removed from its key and cancelled-key sets. Selection is performed by the select(), select(long), and selectNow() methods, and involves three steps:

Selectors are themselves safe for use by multiple concurrent threads; their key sets, however, are not. The selection operations synchronize on the selector itself, on the key set, and on the selected-key set, in that order. They also synchronize on the cancelled-key set during steps (1) and (3) above. Changes made to the interest sets of a selector's keys while a selection operation is in progress have no effect upon that operation; they will be seen by the next selection operation. Keys may be cancelled and channels may be closed at any time. Hence the presence of a key in one or more of a selector's key sets does not imply that the key is valid or that its channel is open. Application code should be careful to synchronize and check these conditions as necessary if there is any possibility that another thread will cancel a key or close a channel. A thread blocked in one of the select() or select(long) methods may be interrupted by some other thread in one of three ways:   By invoking the selector's wakeup method, 17dc91bb1f

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